Ch9.5. Friends?

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*Cutely posts filler chapter*

Jan, 8, 2015

Dear diary, hi it's me again! I have bad news and good news, bad news first. I got bullied.... again, I also won't write in you a lot anymore. But luckily I have a good reason for that! Time for the good news.........


The pink hooded cookie curled up into a ball of retched sobs and whimpers under a tree at the back of the school. She wasn't crying because her injuries hurt, (although in all honesty it definitely did hurt) it was because she couldn't stand up for herself. She was a coward, and because of that she had gotten hurt. Over and over again. She had no friends and she couldn't even thrive on her own. What a waste.

"Hey, this the spot where I let out my emotions too!" Strawberry perked her head up from her knees to be greeted by a short white-haired cookie wearing a pointy hat and a blue robe. They were holding a binder and giving her an awkward smile.

He continued on, "I mean- sometimes I study here too. Are you alright?" He asked taking a seat next to her. She turned her head away and scooted a few inches further from the other student.

"Ah... not very social I see. That's alright, you don't need to talk to me if you don't want too."
He lowered his voice. "No has really liked talking to me unless it's for homework or rude insults so far...."
The kid shook his head as if he were getting off track. "Ah sorry I'm getting distracted, may I sit here?" Strawberry sighed and nodded, allowing him to sit next to her. The other cookie smiled and sat down criss-crossing his legs, setting his binder down in-front of him.

He pulled out a pen and then abruptly put it down. "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, I'm Wizard Cookie, nice to meet you." Wizard said sticking his hand out for a handshake. The girl turned to him and slowly accepted the handshake. "What's your name?" He asked tilting his head.

She pressed her lips together and pulled at her hoodie strings in response. After that she mumbled something barley audible.

"Huh? What was that you said?" He asked leaning closer to hear her.

"S-strawb-berry....." She muttered again.

"Oh, Strawberry! That's a lovely name. You seem like your in distress, do you want to perhaps talk a little?" He asked. She frantically shook her head. "Don't want to talk about it or don't like talking?" She shrugged and then made a little hum. "That's alright, do you mind if I do a little research here?" She nodded her head to tell him he could sit. He smiled and pulled the binder onto his lap, flipped to a page and started writing.

After a few minutes, Strawberry got curious and scooted closer to the mage to see what he was doing. She saw he was doing a worksheet on lighting. Seeing that she was curious, Wizard stated talking again. "I'm practicing perfecting my lightning spell. To be able to do the spell, I have to know the subject thoroughly."

"Oh." She replied.

"Say Strawberry, do you want to be friends?" He asked.

Her eyes widened. "I- I uh..." Strawberry was taken back, she tried to figure out what to say. Did she want to be friends with him? Oh wait of course she did. I need to stop overthinking on these things. She thought to herself.
"...okay!" She answered. She was still confused. Be friends with her? She barely talks and is the punching bag of her grade, why would he want to be friends?

"Great! Im glad your not crying anymore, what were you crying about anyway?" He asked.

"....bullies." She said silently.

His brows furrowed. "Bullies huh? Don't worry, stick with me." He pulled out his wand. "I'm sure I can keep them away with my magic!"

She smiled a bit. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it, I'm sure we're going to get along great!"


....I'm so happy I finally got a friend, he's so nice even if I don't talk alot. He's also very smart! Anyway I think it's going to be dinner time soon, I have to go, bye!

Yours truly, Strawberry Cookie.


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