Ch.11 Tutoring

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Enjoy this chapter! (I promise they will get together eventually, be patient.)

Wizard stared out at the night sky as he wrote down all the planets, constellations and some of the stars that were visible that night. The sky was mostly clear, so it was as luminous as ever. Obviously it wasn't the prettiest that it could get, but he took what he had, scribbling it all down in nice, neat handwriting in his astrology journal. The wind sent a small shiver down his spine, he didn't mind it though. He felt alive.

After finishing that days entry, he looked up and sighed. "Why did I ever stop doing this?" Wizard muttered to himself.

He flipped to the previous page. The last date scribbled messily in the top left corner was
June, 19, 202o. He shut the book almost immediately. Another shiver ran down his spine, but not due to the wind. Wizard shifted around uncomfortably for a second before slowly opening the book again.

He had found it by rummaging through old boxes of stuff in the basement while he was looking for some old gardening tools. Long story short, he had taken the journal due to his ever growing curiosity, skimmed through the first few pages, found out it was his old astrology journal and took it.

He flipped to the page again. All entries before the one with the date, June, 19, 2020, were of where all the planets were in the sky, what constellations and stars were visible that night and other stuff. All of it being written in neat, controlled handwriting. This one however was about his personal life, specifically a moment he would never want to relive, get reminded of or think about again. But yet here he was, holding it in his hands. Any sense of peace he had a few minutes ago were gone, the calming sound of the rustling wind being replaced by the sound of his shakey breath.

Almost uncontrollably, he started reading.

June, 19, 2020

She's going to murder me. Long story short, I lost my temper and used my magic to bash Jawbreakers head into a wall, multiple times.

We fought and I ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. She went back to jail but I can't help but feel like she's always watching, waiting for the perfect time to smash my head into little itty bitty crumbs.

I feel horrible, and not just because I got my ass beat in a fight. This is the 9th time I've been sent to the hospital since I started this school, one of the injuries being fatal. Seeing the look of worry on my parents face hurts me more than any of the injuries I've ever gotten. I cant keep living like this.


He shut the book and chucked the book off the roof in a huff. "Ew depression." he cringed.

"Wizard dear, is that you up there?" He heard a
silent voice call from below.

Ah shit someone is down there. "Uhhhh.. yeah it's me!" He said scooting to the edge of the roof where he saw Sea Fairy looking up at him.

She bent down and picked up the journal. "I think you dropped this. You should probably get down, it's not very safe up there."

"Alright, I'll be down in a second."

He mumbled some magic words and hopped off the roof, slowly descending to the ground. Sea fairy inspected the cover of the book a bit more.

"Is this your old astrology journal? I thought you got rid of it." She asked handing it back to him. "I was going to ask what you were doing up on the roof so late but I guess I know now."

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