Chapter One

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One day a young prince and his mother were walking to a little village not too far from the kingdom they live in. The two went to a little medicine and an herb shop to collect some items.

Dark Cacao's Mother: "Dark Cacao, why don't you go and explore while I talk to the owner, okay?

Dark Cacao: "Okay mother."

After that, the young prince left the little shop and walked into the forest that was close by. As he was walking, he heard a small voice humming a little tune. When he went closer to where the humming was coming from and spotted a little boy with short blond hair picking some flowers.

Dark Cacao's Mind: "Why is this boy doing here all alone?"

He tries to get closer to the boy to get a closer look at what he's doing, but he somehow trips and falls on his face.

The little boy: "Huh, what was that noise?"

When the boy turned around he saw Dark Cacao face first into the ground. He soon got up and ran to him with a worried expression.

The little boy: "Hey are you alright!?"

Dark Cacao looks up to see the little boy looking down at him with a worried expression. He saw that the boy has two different colors of eyes, one blue and the other yellow.

Dark Cacao's Mind: "His eyes are kinda pretty."

He was still on the ground till the boy said something again.

The little boy: "Um excuse me but are you alright there?"

Dark Cacao soon snapped out of his mind and got up to his knees and responded to the boy.

Dark Cacao: "Oh ya, I'm alright just my right cheek does hurt a bit."

The little boy: "Huh oh let me take a look okay?"

Dark Cacao: "Ok."

The boy soon held out his left hand and touched Dark Cacao's right cheek and started to use his healing magic. As he was doing that Dark Cacao was just looking at the boy as he felt a little heat on his cheeks.

Dark Cacao's Mind: "His hands are soft."

After a few seconds, the boy soon took his hand off Dark Cacao's cheek and smiled.

The little boy: "There, that should do it."

Dark Cacao: "Um thank you..."

The little boy: "No worries." "Oh by the way what's your name?"

Dark Cacao: "My name is Dark Cacao, and yours?"

Pure Vanilla: "It's Pure Vanilla."

End of Chapter 1

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