Chapter Eight

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The next morning, the sun was shining through the window hitting Dark Cacao’s face and causing him to wake up. He sat up looking around the room.

Cacao’s mind: “Huh, this isn’t my room?”

His eyes were soon on Pure Vanilla asleep right next to him. He was panicking inside.


He jumped back a bit causing him to fall off the bed and land on his back causing Pure Vanilla to wake up due to the noise of Dark Cacao falling off the bed.

Vanilla’s mind: “What was that sound?”

He rubbed his eyes and soon saw Dark Cacao on his back and also on the floor, he paused for a second.

Vanilla’s mind: “What is Cacao doing here, did he not leave after the party?” “I can’t remember what happened.”

Vanilla: “Um, Cacao are you alright there?”

Cacao: “Ya, I’m good…”

After a few minutes in the awkward moment and Dark Cacao was still on the floor, Pure Vanilla’s Mama opened the door.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Pure Vanilla honey, are you still sleeping?”

She saw that Dark Cacao was on the floor while Pure Vanilla was on the bed.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Um, did something happened?”

Cacao: “Nope nothing happen!”

Dark Cacao quickly got up from the floor and walked to Pure Vanilla’s Mama.

Cacao: “Anyway, where is my mother?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh, she is in the spare bedroom.” “I let her stay the night here after she couldn’t get you to let go of Pure Vanilla when you guys were asleep.”

Cacao/Vanilla: “I WHAT!?”/“HE WHAT!?”

Both Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla became red after what she just said about Dark Cacao not letting go of Pure Vanilla when they fell asleep. Pure Vanilla’s Mama was just laughing a little at the two and told them that she made breakfast. She then left the room with the two still a bit red.

Vanilla: “Um, we should go and eat some breakfast…”

Vanilla’s mind: “Was Cacao really holding on to me?”

Cacao: “Um, ya we should…”

Cacao’s mind: “Why was I holding onto Vanilla?”

The two left Pure Vanilla’s room and ate some breakfast after that, Cacao’s mother came into the kitchen and greeted them.

Cacao’s Mother: “Good morning.”

Vanilla and his Mama: “Good morning.”

Cacao: “Morning Mother.”

After greeting Dark Cacao’s Mother, Pure Vanilla got up picked up the box with the kimono Dark Cacao got him, and walked up to his mama.

Vanilla: “Mama, can you please help me put this on?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Well, I don’t know how to put one on but I can try.”

Cacao’s Mother: “I could show you if you like?” “Take it as thanks for letting us spend the night at your place.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh I would appreciate it, thank you.”

After that Dark Cacao was waiting in the living room for them to finish. After a few minutes, they came out of Pure Vanilla’s room, and Dark Cacao was amazed at how adorable Pure Vanilla looked. Pure Vanilla fit perfectly in the kimono and even had the flower pins that White Lily gave him, he walked up to Dark Cacao with a big smile.

Vanilla: “I love it Cacao it fits just right!”

He spins around a bit showing Dark Cacao how it fits him. Dark Cacao was lost for words and looked like he was about to faint, both of their mom was just watching the two. Pure Vanilla grabbed Dark Cacao’s hand and headed to the door.

Vanilla: “Mama, me and Cacao are going out for a while!”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Alright just be careful and don’t get your kimono dirty!”

Pure Vanilla nodded. The two boys left the house, Dark Cacao was still lost in thought and Pure Vanilla was just dragging him to somewhere in the forest they first met in. Later Dark Cacao finally snaps back into reality and realizes that Pure Vanilla had brought him to a big flower patch.

Cacao: “Wow there are a lot of flowers.”

Vanilla: “Yes, this is my favorite place!” “I love to make flower crowns for my friends or my mama.” “Do you know how to make flower crowns Cacao?”

Cacao: “Well I only did once with Holly, but I can try and make one again.”

Pure Vanilla nodded and took them to a spot and started to pick flowers, Dark Cacao did the same. After they got the flowers they wanted, they soon started to make their flower crowns. Dark Cacao would sometimes glance at Pure Vanilla while he was doing the flower crown and go back to his own. A few minutes later they were done with their flower crowns and looked at each other holding their flower crowns towards each other.

Cacao/Vanilla: “This is for you.”

Both of them looked at each other and soon looked away both with red faces. Dark Cacao placed his purple flower crown onto Pure Vanilla. Pure Vanilla looked up at the flower crown and smiled, he then place his yellow flower crown onto Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao also smiled at the flower crown that Pure Vanilla made him and thanked him, Pure Vanilla also thanked Dark Cacao for the flower crown. After a few hours, they decided to head back to Pure Vanilla’s house since Dark Cacao haded to go back to his kingdom, and soon they said their goodbyes again.

End of Chapter Eight

Hope you guys have a happy thanksgiving.

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