Chapter Eleven

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A few days later Dark Cacao had asked Pure Vanilla to go out on a date with him, and Pure Vanilla agreed to out go on the date with Dark Cacao. They both got ready and Dark Cacao picked up Pure Vanilla in a carriage and headed to the place.

Vanilla: “So Cao where are we going?”

Cacao: “Well there’s a cherry blossom festival at Holly’s kingdom, so I thought you would like to go see it.”

Vanilla: “I have never seen cherry blossoms before so I can’t wait!”

Pure Vanilla had a big smile and Dark Cacao loved seeing him in a happy mood. Once they arrive at Hollyberry’s kingdom, Pure Vanilla couldn’t hide his excitement to see the cherry blossom and Dark Cacao laugh a little, soon Hollyberry came up to them and greeted them.

Holly: “Hey you two!”

Vanilla: “Hi Holly!”

Cacao: “Greetings Holly.”

Pure Vanilla soon notice that next to Hollyberry was a young boy with dark pink hair.

Vanilla: “Holly who is that boy next to you?”

Holly: “Oh this is Wildberry.” “He’s going to be my bodyguard once I become queen.”

Cacao: “They already got a bodyguard for you?”

Holly: “Well he’s still in training but they said that once I’m queen he’ll be ready.” “Wildberry, these two are my friends, Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla.”

Wildberry: “It’s nice to meet you two.”

Cacao/Vanilla: “Nice to meet you as well.”

Vanilla: “How old is Wildberry, Holly?”

Holly: “He’s 18 and he can be quite a quiet boy from time to time.” “He’s like Cacao.”

Cacao: “I’m not like that!”

Holly: “Yes you are.~”

Dark Cacao was annoyed and grabbed Pure Vanilla’s hand and started walking off.

Cacao: “Anyway Nilla and I are going to see the cherry blossoms trees, so goodbye.

Vanilla: “Oh well, bye Holly and Wildberry.”

Hollyberry and Wildberry both wave goodbye to Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla. They soon arrive at the cherry trees and Pure Vanilla was amazed at all of the cherry trees.

Vanilla: “Wow these are beautiful, thanks for bringing me here Cao!”

Cacao: “I’m glad you like it Nilla.”

They walked around the kingdom, eat some food that people were selling, and were sitting underneath a cherry tree. Pure Vanilla was resting his head on Dark Cacao and Dark Cacao had his hand on Pure Vanilla’s waist.

Vanilla: “I had a great time Cao thank you.”

Cacao: “Your welcome Nilla.”

Dark Cacao kissed Pure Vanilla on the head. Soon Pure Vanilla fell asleep on Dark Cacao, and he was soon picked up by Dark Cacao bride style and Dark Cacao started heading towards the carriage to take Pure Vanilla home. Before Dark Cacao could get there Hollyberry stopped him.

Holly: “Hey Cacao are you and Vanilla leaving already?”

Cacao: “Yes, Nilla fell asleep and it’s starting to get late.”

Holly: “Well have a safe trip home.”

Cacao: “Thank you, have a good day Holly.”

Holly: “You as well.”

Dark Cacao placed Pure Vanilla in the carriage carefully and place Pure Vanilla’s head on his shoulder when he got into the carriage too. When they arrive at Pure Vanilla’s house, Pure Vanilla was still asleep so Dark Cacao picked him up and knock on the door, Pure Vanilla’s Mama opened the door.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Yes, who is it?”

Cacao: “Hello Ma'am, your son fell asleep during our date so I’m just bringing him home.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh I’m guessing he had a fun time for him to fall asleep.”

Cacao: “He did have a good time there.”

He smiled and Pure Vanilla’s mama let him in, soon Dark Cacao placed Pure Vanilla on his bed, tucked him in, kiss him on the cheek, and left the room.

Cacao: “Have a good night Ma'am.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “You too dear and thank you for bringing my son home safe.”

Cacao: “No problem.”

He left the house, went in the carriage, and headed back to his kingdom.

End of Chapter Eleven

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