Chapter Eighteen

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Pure Vanilla’s morning sickness didn’t last long, it was only for about two months. Dark Cacao would keep his eyes on Pure Vanilla to make sure nothing bad would happen to him and their child. Time went by fast and now Pure Vanilla is already six and half months pregnant, and he was now in the kitchen making dinner when Dark Cacao came up to him and wrap his arms around Pure Vanilla and rest his chin on Pure Vanilla’s shoulder.

Vanilla: “Are you done with your work dear?”

Cacao: “Yes, and I’m tired.”

Pure Vanilla chuckled a bit and kissed Dark Cacao on the cheek.

Vanilla: “Well dinner is almost ready, so when we’re done how about we head to bed?”

Cacao: “Sure that sounds nice.”

Dark Cacao had to let go of Pure Vanilla so he finish cooking dinner. After dinner and cleaning up, the two had gotten into their night clothes and got into bed, then Dark Cacao got closer to Pure Vanilla and place his hand on Pure Vanilla’s stomach.

Cacao: “I can’t wait till our child is born.”

Vanilla: “Me too, though I was nervous at first.”

Cacao: “You were?”

Vanilla: “Yes since it’s our first child, but now I’m excited!”

Dark Cacao smiled and kissed Pure Vanilla and soon the two went to sleep. The next day during the afternoon Dark Cacao seemed to be extra busy with some work he need to do, Pure Vanilla wanted to help him but Dark Cacao refuse to let Pure Vanilla help.

Vanilla: “Cao why won’t you let me help you?”

Cacao: “You already do a lot when you’re here.”

Pure Vanilla pouted a little and it cause Dark Cacao to laugh.

Cacao: “Oh come on Nilla no need to get like that.”

Vanilla: “But I want to help you…”

Cacao: “I already told you that you don’t need to, how about you do something?”

Vanilla: “Well, there is a market going on in the village so maybe I can go there?”

Cacao: “If you do want to go there, you have to be careful.”

Vanilla: “Oh come on Cao, you know that I’m always careful.” “Especially since I’m pregnant.”

Cacao: “I know you are, but still you never know what might happen.”

Vanilla: “Okay, so I’ll be heading off to the village now.”

Cacao: “Alright and remember to be careful.”

Pure Vanilla nodded and walked out the door, as he was walking down the halls of the castle in the dark hallway a shadowy figure was watching him…

???’s Mind: “Finally now’s my chance!~”

After a few minutes after Pure Vanilla left, Dark Cacao got up and exited the room. Dark Cacao went to go call for two of his guards, Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip.

Caramel: “What is it you need your majesty?”

Crunchy: “Do you need us to do something?”

Cacao: “Yes indeed.”

Caramel: “What do you need us to do?”

Cacao: “I need you two to keep a close eye on Pure Vanilla, he went to the village and I need to make sure nothing bad happens to him.”

Caramel and Crunchy: “Understood!”

The two left to go catch up to Pure Vanilla while Dark Cacao headed back to finish his work.

Cacao’s Mind: “Actually, I didn’t want him to go alone because every time we are outside of our home I always got the feeling that somebody was watching us.” “I hope nothing happens to him…”

Meanwhile with Pure Vanilla was walking around the village talking to others or just looking around the market and soon he came across Herb and Sparkling.

Vanilla: “Why hello there you two!” “How have you been?”

Herb: “Hi Pure Vanilla, we’ve been fine!”

Sparkling: “How have you and your child been doing?”

Vanilla: “We have been doing just fine.”

Herb: “Right we have something to tell you!”

Vanilla: “Huh, what is it?”

Sparkling: “We are now engaged.”

Vanilla: “Well, congratulations you two!”

Herb: “Thank you Pure Vanilla!”

After talking for a while Herb and Sparkling soon left, leaving Pure Vanilla by himself again. When he was about to start walking again, someone had hit him hard right in the stomach, causing Pure Vanilla to fall in pain…

???: “Oops, sorry about that!~”

In their voice, they didn’t sound sorry at all it sounded like they did that on purpose. When Pure Vanilla looked up, he saw that it was…

End of Chapter Eighteen

(Sorry but...cliffhanger!)

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