Chapter Twenty-Three

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Five years passed and they were having a happy life with their son. Some things happened throughout the years. Sparkling and Herb got married, and Wildberry started dating Crunchy Chip which Hollyberry and Dark Cacao supported. Now Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla had some news to tell their five-year-old son.

Cacao: “Dark Choco can you come here for a minute?”

Dark Choco walked up to his parents.

Choco: “Yes dad?”

Vanilla: “We have something to tell you.”

Choco: “What is it, mom?”

The two looked at each other smiling while their son was confused.

Vanilla: “You’re going to be a big brother!”

Dark Choco stood there in shock.

Choco: “I'm going to be a big brother?”

His parents nodded, then Dark Choco jumped up and shouted in excitement.


Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were glad to see their son’s excitement.

Choco: “So when can I see my sibling?”

Vanilla: “It will take a few months since they need time to grow and I’ll be carrying them.”

Cacao: “Can you be patient till your little brother or sister is born?”

Dark Choco nodded and walked up to Pure Vanilla.

Choco: “So is my new sibling inside of you mom?”

Pure Vanilla smiled and picked up Dark Choco.

Vanilla: “Yes they are Dark Choco, and I’m sure that they would love a big brother like you.”

Choco: “I’m excited to meet my little brother or sister!”

Cacao: “And I’m sure they are excited to meet you.”

Dark Cacao patted Dark Choco while Dark Choco laughed.

Timeskip to when Pure Vanilla had their second child which was a boy. He had the same skin and hair color as Pure Vanilla but he had a black hairstreak and a diamond mark on his forehead too. Dark Choco was really happy to see his new little brother.

Choco: “He looks so cute!”

Cacao: “Don’t talk so loud since your brother is sleeping.”

Choco: “Oh sorry.”

Vanilla: “It’s alright Choco.”

Choco: “What’s his name?”

Vanilla: “Why don’t you choose a name for him Choco?”

Choco: “Really can I?”

Cacao: “I don’t see why not.”

Dark Choco was trying to think of a name and then thought of something.

Choco: “How about Madeleine?”

Vanilla: “I think that is a good name for him, what do you think Cao?”

Cacao: “I think so too.”

Choco: “So his name is Madeleine?”

Pure Vanilla nodded as Dark Choco saw his little brother and smile.

Choco: “Nice to meet you, Madeleine.”

Though Madeleine was asleep, he had a small smile after hearing his brother’s voice which cause the family to smile.

End of Chapter Twenty-Three

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