Chapter Nine

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Years had gone by and Dark Cacao is now 22 and Pure Vanilla is now 20. Dark Cacao had become one of the kingdom's strongest warriors and Pure Vanilla took over his Mama’s shop with the help of a 15-year-old boy named Herb who had moved into the village not too long ago with his moms Sea fairy and Moonlight. Dark Cacao wanted to confess to Pure Vanilla for a while now but hasn’t found a good place and time to do so, but soon the perfect idea came to mind. In a few days, there are going to be fireworks at the Cacao kingdom for New Year and Dark Cacao decided to use that to confess to Pure Vanilla.

It was a regular day in the village as Pure Vanilla was sweeping the floor of the shop while Herb was outside in the backyard growing some more healing plants. There was a knock on the door, Pure Vanilla went to go open it and saw Dark Cacao standing there.

Vanilla: “Oh, hello Cao it’s nice to see you again.”

Cacao: “Hello Nilla.”

Vanilla: “What brings you here today Cao?”

Dark Cacao’s face started to heat up before talking.

Cacao: “Um, I would like to invite you to our kingdom to watch the New Year’s fireworks together.”

Pure Vanilla’s face became a bit red, he did have a crush on Dark Cacao. He just didn’t know when to tell him so he thought he could use this opportunity to finally confess to him. He smiled at Dark Cacao and then responded.

Vanilla: “I would love to watch the fireworks with you, Cao.”

Cacao: “Great!”

He shouted a bit in excitement before relaxing again and apologizing for shouting, but Pure Vanilla didn’t mind.

Cacao: “I’ll be looking forward to the day, see you soon Nilla.”

Vanilla: “Right, see you soon Cao.”

Dark Cacao left and Pure Vanilla was excited for New Year so he can finally confess to Dark Cacao. Herb came back from the backyard and walked to Pure Vanilla.

Herb: “Hello Pure Vanilla, I just wanted to tell you that I finish with the plants out in the yard.”

Vanilla: “Why thank you, Herb you may go home now.” “I’ll close the shop today.”

Herb: “Alright have a good day Pure Vanilla.”

Vanilla: “You as well Herb, take care now.”

Herb then left the shop and Pure Vanilla finished some stuff up and closed the door and locked it, then headed home. Pure Vanilla soon open the door to his house and was greeted by his mama.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Welcome back home honey, dinner is ready.”

Vanilla: “Thanks, mama.”

As the two were done, Pure Vanilla told his mama that he was invited by Dark Cacao to watch the New Year fireworks with him.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Well that’s wonderful, honey I hope you enjoy your time with him.”

Vanilla: “I will mama.”

A few days later on the day of the New Year fireworks. Dark Cacao came to pick up Pure Vanilla and took him to the kingdom, he even gave him a kimono to wear. It was similar to the one he got him when they were kids. Dark Cacao took Pure Vanilla inside the kingdom and to the balcony to get a good few of the fireworks, both of them were nervous because they were both going to confess.

Cacao's Mind: “Ok, let’s hope this goes well…”

Vanilla's Mind: “Alright don’t be scared just say it when the time is ready…”

Soon the fireworks started going off and Pure Vanilla was amazed by them and Dark Cacao was smiling at him, after a while, the biggest firework was about to go off right when it hits midnight and that’s when Dark Cacao said something causing Pure Vanilla to look at him.

Cacao: “Um, hey Nilla?”

Vanilla: “Yes Cao?”

Cacao: “I um I want to say…”

Cacao’s mind: “Just say it Cacao!”

Vanilla: “Say what Cao?”

Vanilla mind: “Is he!?”


Pure Vanilla’s face was red and he was also surprised that Dark Cacao likes him too. He smiled, walked towards Dark Cacao, place his left hand on his right cheek, and kiss him on the lips right when it hit midnight and the final firework went off. Dark Cacao was surprised at first but soon kiss back, they soon let go and looked at each other.

Vanilla: “I love you too Cao.”

Cacao: “I’m glad you do.”

They kissed again. Their moms were watching them and were proud of both of them, they knew that they both loved each other from the very start. But somewhere in the dark hall next to the door there was someone there jealous that Dark Cacao loves somebody else…

End of Chapter Nine

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