Chapter Six

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A few months went by and Cacao and Vanilla still hung out with each other when they have time. And soon Vanilla's birthday was just around the corner and as Vanilla’s Mama was making some preparations, Vanilla came up to her.

Vanilla: “Hey Mama.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Yes honey?”

Vanilla looked at her with a little blush on his face.

Vanilla: “Can we invite Cacao as well please?”

Vanilla’s Mama got up smiled and patted his head.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Of course honey, just let me give his mother a call ok?”

Vanilla: “Okay Mama!”

In the Cacao Kingdom, Dark Cacao was doing some training outside the kingdom while his mother was watching him from the inside. The phone rang then the queen went to answer it.

Cacao’s Mother: “Hello?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Hello there, this is Pure Vanilla's mom.” “My son was wondering if Dark Cacao could come and celebrate his birthday tomorrow?”

Cacao’s Mother: “Of course, I’m sure he would love to see Pure Vanilla again!”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Wonderful and I’m sure my son would be really happy to know that Cacao is coming.”

Cacao’s Mother: “Ok then, well see you tomorrow.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Right bye take care.”

Cacao’s Mother: “You too.”

Dark Cacao came in and heard his mother talking on the phone and walked closer to her as she just hung up the phone.

Cacao: “Mother who was it?”

Cacao’s Mother: “Oh Cacao, it was Pure Vanilla’s Mama.”

Cacao: “Well what did she say?”

Cacao’s Mother: “She invited us to her sons birthday and it’s tomorrow.”

Right when his mother said that Vanilla’s birthday is tomorrow, Cacao was surprise.


Cacao’s Mother tried to calm him down.

Cacao’s Mother: “Don’t worry Cacao, I can help you pick a present for him.”

Cacao: “Alright, thank you mother.”

Back with Pure Vanilla’s Mama, she hung up the phone and walked over to her son.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Alright honey it seem like Cacao would be coming to your birthday party.”

Vanilla: “Really!?” “YAY!”

Vanilla jumped up in excitement after hearing that Cacao was coming tomorrow.

End of Chapter Six

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