Chapter Sixteen

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The two were having a good life in their little home inside the kingdom, Pure Vanilla mostly stayed inside while Dark Cacao goes out to do his duty as the king. Pure Vanilla would be cleaning the place or cooking while Dark Cacao would sometimes be in the living room doing paperwork. Two years already went by but lately Pure Vanilla started to feel sick which made Dark Cacao worry, Pure Vanilla was doing less work around the place because of his sickness and so did Dark Cacao just so he can take care of Pure Vanilla but that made Pure Vanilla feel a bit guilty. They are now in the living room.

Cacao: “My love how are you feeling today?”

Vanilla: “A bit better than yesterday…” “Cao you shouldn’t be taking off of your work just because of me.”

Cacao: “Nonsense, I don’t want you to keep it to yourself.”

Vanilla: “But…”

Cacao: “Don’t worry about it, I already explained it to the citizens so don’t feel bad.”

Pure Vanilla slowly nodded but he still felt a bit upset, but soon after he felt like he had to throw up and ran to the bathroom with a worry Dark Cacao following him.

Cacao: “Would you like me to get a doctor?”

Vanilla: “Yes…”

Dark Cacao picked up Pure Vanilla after he was done and headed to their bedroom then place Pure Vanilla down on the bed.

Cacao: “You just wait right here and I’ll be back with the doctor.”

Vanilla: “Alright.”

Dark Cacao kissed Pure Vanilla on the lips and left. A few minutes later Dark Cacao entered the room with a doctor and walked up to Pure Vanilla, who was reading a book.

Doctor: “I’ve been told that you haven’t been feeling well.”

Vanilla: “Yes, for the past few weeks.”

Doctor: “Alright, how about we examine you to see if we can find anything wrong?”

Vanilla: “Alright.” “Cao, you can go do some of your work alright.”

Cacao: “Okay, please call me when you two are done.”

Doctor: “Got it, your majesty.”

Dark Cacao left the room and the doctor took out some equipment and started to do some tests on Pure Vanilla. An hour later Dark Cacao was called into the bedroom and when he entered the doctor came up to him.

Cacao: “So did you figure out the problem?”

Doctor: “Yes.”

Cacao: “So what’s the problem?”

The doctor was going to answer but Pure Vanilla cut them off.

Vanilla: “I’ll tell him, you may leave.”

The doctor nodded and said goodbye then left. Dark Cacao walked up to Pure Vanilla and sat next to him on the bed.

Cacao: “So what do you have to tell me?”

Vanilla: ”Well you see…”

Pure Vanilla was looking down at the floor with a nervous expression and Dark Cacao started to worry.

Cacao: ”Is it bad?”

Vanilla: “No it’s not, its that...”

Dark Cacao grabbed one of Pure Vanilla’s hands.

Cacao: “Please just tell me.”

Pure Vanilla looked up with a small smile and put the other hand on his stomach.

Vanilla: “I’m pregnant and you’re going to be a father.”

Dark Cacao was left speechless and started to cry a little before speaking.

Cacao: “You’re going to have our baby?”

Vanilla: “Yes I am.”

Dark Cacao hugged Pure Vanilla tight but not too tight then letting go before shouting in excitement.

Cacao: “We’re going to be parents!” “I love you so much Nilla!”

Pure Vanilla smiled and started to cry as well and kissed Dark Cacao.

Vanilla: “I love you too Cao.”

The two stayed in the bedroom for a while still with happy tears in their eyes.

End of Chapter Sixteen

(These are their outfits) (AGAIN NOT MY ART!)

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(These are their outfits) (AGAIN NOT MY ART!)

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