Chapter Five

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A few minutes later

Mochi: “Wait, I just realized what your guy’s age is?”

Cacao: “I’m 10.”

Mochi: “You’re 10!?” “Wow, I thought you were at least 13.”

Hollyberry chuckled a bit.

Holly: “I’m 13 and Cheese is 14.”

Golden Cheese nodded while drinking her tea.

Lily: “Heh I’m 10 as well and Vanilla is 8.”

Mochi: “I guess Cheese is the oldest out of the 6 of us because I’m 12.”

Cheese: "And Vanilla is the youngest out of the 6 of us."

Vanilla: "Well I guess you're right." "Anyway hey Holly and Cheese?"

Holly and Cheese: "Ya?"

Vanilla: "Why did you guys come along with Cacao here?" "And It's not that I'm sounding rude at all, I just want to know."

Before either Holly or Cheese could answer, Cacao started talking.

Cacao: "They kept on begging me to take them just to meet you Vanilla."

Right when he said that Mochi and Lily started laughing then Pure Vanilla's Mama came in.

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "I see you guys are having fun."

Vanilla: "Hey Mama and yes we are having fun."

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "I'm glad to hear that, but…"

The 6 kids looked at Vanilla's Mama in confusion.

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "I got a call from Dark Cacao's mother and she said that it's time for them to head back."

All of them were upset that their time was up, especially Cacao and Vanilla because they had to say bye again. All of them got up from the table and said goodbye to each other, Vanilla walked up to Cacao and gave him a big hug.

Vanilla: "I wish we had more time to talk more Cacao."

He let go of Cacao with a sad smile but Cacao pulled him into another hug.

Holly, Cheese, and Mochi: "Oh what's this we see?~"

Cacao: "I'm sure we'll see each other again real soon, but for now bye Vanilla."

He let go of Vanilla and gave him a smile. Vanilla's face was a little bit red but he shook it off and smiled.

Vanilla: "Ya, bye for now Cacao."

After that Cacao, Holly, and Cheese left and headed back to the Cacao Kingdom.

End of Chapter Five

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