Chapter Twenty Four

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Dark Cacao was in the living room brushing Dark Choco’s hair while Pure Vanilla was with Madeleine in the nursery, then Dark Choco asked something.

Choco: “Hey dad?”

Cacao: “Hm?”

Choco: “How did you meet mom?”

Dark Cacao finished brushing his son’s hair and Dark Choco turned towards his dad.

Cacao: “Why’d you ask?”

Choco: “I was just wondering.”

Cacao: “Well.”

Vanilla: “Something going on here?”

Pure Vanilla walked in with Madeleine asleep in his arms.

Choco: “I was just asking dad how you two met.”

Cacao: “And I was about to tell him.”

Pure Vanilla walked up to the two and sat next to Dark Cacao on the couch.

Vanilla: “It was a bit funny how we met.”

Choco: “How so, what happened?”

Cacao: “It all started when your grandmother and I were at a shop in the village back when I was ten.”

Choco: “Then what happened next?”

Cacao: “I was told to go explore the village when your grandmother was buying something, and soon I walked into a forest close to the village when I started to hear a small voice humming a tune.”

Choco: “Who was humming?”

Vanilla: “The humming was coming from me, I was 8 and I was picking flowers for your other grandma.”

Choco: “So that’s how you two met?”

Cacao: “Yup.”

Pure Vanilla laughed a bit.

Vanilla: “Actually there are few things left.”

Choco: “What are they?”

Dark Cacao looked at Pure Vanilla with an embarrassed expression.

Cacao whispered: “Nilla please don’t!”

Vanilla: “If I remember correctly when your dad was about to walk up to me, he ended up tripping and falling on his face.”

Dark Choco bursted out laughing while Dark Cacao looked embarrassed.

Choco: “I can’t believe that dad did that!”

Vanilla: “Yeah, but please keep it down, your little brother is asleep.”

Dark Choco then stopped laughing after he noticed that Madeleine was sleeping.

Choco: “So then what happened after that?”

Vanilla: “That’s when I noticed him and ran up to him to see if he was alright.”

Choco: “Was dad okay though?”

Cacao: “Yes, I was fine but your mom had to heal me a bit.”

Pure Vanilla nodded.

Vanilla: “And after that day we started to see each other almost everyday, and after many years we dated and now we’re married.”

Cacao: “So that’s our story.”

Choco: “Interesting, but it was funny to hear that dad had fallen on his face.”

Cacao: “Okay stop with that.”

Choco: “But it's funny.”

Vanilla: “Now now calm down you two.” “I’m going to put Madeleine back into the nursery while you get ready for bed Choco.”

Choco: “Alright.”

He then got up and walked into the nursery, while Dark Cacao went to help get Dark Choco ready for bed. After Dark Choco had gone to bed, the couple were now in their room.

Vanilla: “I still feel like that day was just yesterday.”

Cacao: “It’s been many years but I agree.”

Vanilla: “Next thing you know our kids will be all grown up.”

Cacao: “True, so we need to spend as much time with them while it lasts.”

Vanilla: “Yeah.”

Cacao: “I’m happy where I am now.”
Vanilla: “Hm, how so?”

He pulled Pure Vanilla close to him before saying.

Cacao: “Because I met you.”

The End

(I believe that today marks the one year of this book and I want to thank everyone who had supported me during writing this book. I honestly thought that it would get that much attention but I'm glad I did this. I know this is not much but now I can put this book to end.)

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