Chapter Two

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After introducing each other, Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were talking about some random topics.

Pure Vanilla: "So Dark Cacao how old are you?"

Dark Cacao: "I'm 10."

Pure Vanilla: "Wow you look tall for your age, I'm only 8, but I'm turning 9 in a few months."

Dark Cacao: "Um..."

Pure Vanilla looked confused.

Pure Vanilla: "What is it Cacao?"

Dark Cacao: "Why were you here by yourself?"

Pure Vanilla got up and pick up the flowers he picked and walk back to Dark Cacao.

Pure Vanilla: "I was picking some flowers for my mama, she loves flowers."

Dark Cacao: "Ok then."

Pure Vanilla: "So what about you Cacao, why were you here?"

Dark Cacao got up.

Dark Cacao: "My mother told me to go explore the village while she was talking to a shop owner." "I should be heading back now before she starts to get worried, do you want to come with me?"

Pure Vanilla: "Sure I love to meet your mom and soon I can give these flowers to my mama."

Pure Vanilla said that with a big smile on his face and Dark Cacao couldn't help but smile a little at how cute Pure Vanilla looked.

Dark Cacao: "Alright then lets go."

After a few minutes, Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were at the little shop that Dark Cacao's mother was in and Pure Vanilla said something and surprised Dark Cacao.

Pure Vanilla: "Oh this is my mama's shop."

Dark Cacao: "What really?"

Pure Vanilla nodded his head and open the door calling out for his mama. When the two boys enter the shop they saw their moms talking to each other. Their moms looked at their sons and walked up to both of them.

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "Welcome back honey, I see you brought over a new friend."

Pure Vanilla: "Ya his name is Dark Cacao, I help heal his face when he fell." "And here I got you these flowers."

Pure Vanilla's Mama smiled at her son and took the flowers.

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "Thank you honey these flowers are lovely."

As those two were talking Dark Cacao's mother came up to him and asked him holding back a laugh.

Dark Cacao's Mother: "You fell on your face?"

Dark Cacao looked away embarrassed and nodded.

Dark Cacao's Mother: "Did you get distracted by that cute boy?"

Dark Cacao: "Kinda wait...HE'S NOT THAT CUTE!"

Dark Cacao shouted that last bit out and Pure Vanilla and his Mama looked at Dark Cacao confuse at what he just said.

Pure Vanilla: "What did you say Cacao?"

Dark Cacao was flustered and trying to make an excuse and his mother was laughing a little bit and so was Pure Vanilla's mama.

Dark Cacao's Mother: "Ok, I think it's time to go back home hope to talk to you again soon." "And thank you for the items miss."

She said while bowing down a little.

Pure Vanilla's Mama: "Oh no problem I'm happy to help." "It's time to say bye now to Dark Cacao honey."

Pure Vanilla looked a bit sad that Dark Cacao was leaving so he asked his mama for one of the flowers he gave her and soon put it in Dark Cacao's hair and smiled.

Pure Vanilla: "It was nice meeting you Cacao, I hope I can see you again soon."

Dark Cacao: "Ya me too, bye Vanilla."

Dark Cacao and his Mother left the shop and headed home.

End of Chapter 2

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