Chapter Four

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After Cacao, Holly, and Cheese entered the shop, they followed Vanilla and his friends to the backyard where they have grown many different types of plants and herbs.

Holly: “Wow this is a nice garden.”

Cheese: “Ya I agree.”

Vanilla smiled and lead them to a picnic table next to a big tree. All of them sat down and started talking till Vanilla’s Mama came out with the drinks and snacks.

Pure Vanilla’s Mama: “Here you go enjoy and come talk to me if you want some more alright.”

They all nodded and thanked Pure Vanilla’s Mama for the snacks and drinks. They grabbed their drinks and started talking again while Vanilla’s mama left and walk back into the shop.

Mochi: “Wow these dangos are amazing, you guys have to try them!”

Holly and Cheese grab one of them and try them, and they were amazed.

Holly and Cheese: “These are amazing!”

Holly: “Hey Cacao you have to have some of these.”

Cacao: “Um no thanks, I’m not really into sweets.”

Mochi: “C'mon man just have at least one.”

Dark Cacao refuse. Mochi tried thinking of a way to get Cacao to have one then she had an idea and lead closer to Vanilla and whispered to him.

Mochi Whisper: “Hey Vanilla ask Cacao to try a dango, please.”

Vanilla Whisper: “Huh, why me?”

Mochi Whisper: “Please just this once.”

Vanilla Whisper: “Alright I guess…”

After that little conversation, Pure Vanilla grabbed a dango and try handing it to Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao was going to refuse again but he saw Pure Vanilla making a sweet little smile before asking.

Vanilla: “Cacao would you please have one?” “My mama made them just for us.”

Dark Cacao’s face started to heat up while Holly, Cheese, and Mochi were just smirking at them and Lily was just laughing a little.

Cacao: “Fine, I guess I can have just one…”

Dark Cacao grabs the dango out of Pure Vanilla’s hand and takes a bite.

Cacao: “Huh, I guess these are good.”

Mochi: “See told you!”

She then grabbed another one and handed it to Pure Vanilla, he happily took it and thanked her then took a bite. He looked happy while eating it and Dark Cacao tried to hide his flustered face at how adorable Vanilla looked. The others were just going back to talking and enjoying the other snacks.

End of Chapter Four

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