Chapter Twenty-one

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Three months went by and Pure Vanilla is close to his due date, the couple was excited to meet their first child. The two were inside the nursery room making sure it was ready for when the child arrives.

Vanilla: “Are we sure we have everything ready?”

Cacao: “Yes Nilla, I’m sure we do.”

Vanilla: “I just want to be sure…”

Since Pure Vanilla was nearing his due date he was getting a bit worried that they didn’t have everything they needed. Dark Cacao smiled and pick up Pure Vanilla catching Pure Vanilla in surprise.

Vanilla: “Woah!-” “Cao what are doing?”

Cacao: “What does it look like I’m doing?”

As Dark Cacao was walking out of the nursery he looked at Pure Vanilla with a teasing smirk on his face which made Pure Vanilla pout and cross his arms.

Vanilla: “Stop teasing me and tell me what are you doing.”

Cacao: “I’m just taking the three of us to the bedroom.”

Vanilla: “And why are you doing that?”

Dark Cacao placed Pure Vanilla on the bed, wrapped his arms around Pure Vanilla, and placed his head on Pure Vanilla’s stomach.

Cacao: “I just want you to relax since you’re carrying our child.”

Vanilla: “Was I making you worried?”

Cacao: “No, I was making myself worried…”

Pure Vanilla looked confused.

Vanilla: “Why were you making yourself worried?”

Cacao: “Well ever since you got attacked, I was worried about you ever since…”

Pure Vanilla made a soft little smile and rubbed Dark Cacao’s back.

Vanilla: “Cao, I think you should be the one to relax.”

Dark Cacao lifted his head and looked at Pure Vanilla.

Cacao: “And why should I be the one to relax?”

Vanilla: “I don’t want you to worry about me since I have always been here.” “Plus whenever I go out to the village, you always had either Caramel Arrow or Crunchy Chip come with me whenever you were busy.”

Cacao: “That’s because I just wanted somebody to be by your side.”

Vanilla: “Even though our friends are there and my mama too?”

Dark Cacao looked away with an embarrassed expression causing Pure Vanilla to laugh.

Cacao: “Alright I think we had enough time here.”

Vanilla: “I think you’re right.” “How about I make something for lunch before you start working again?”

Cacao: “Sure.”

When Pure Vanilla was about to get off the bed, he started to feel some pain in his stomach, which made Dark Cacao worry.

Cacao: “Nilla, are you okay?”

Nilla: “I think it’s time…”

Dark Cacao started panicking.

Cacao: “I’ll go get a doctor right away, just hold tight alright!”

Pure Vanilla nodded while Dark Cacao rushed out of the bedroom. After a bit, a doctor and some nurses came into the bedroom, while Dark Cacao was in the living room calling their moms to tell them what had happened. Their moms came a few minutes later.

Cacao’s Mother: “Dark Cacao is everything alright?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Where’s my son now?”

Cacao: “He’s in the bedroom, I already got a doctor and they told me that they’ll call me when the delivery is done.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Are you sure he’s going to be okay on his own?”

Cacao: “I hope so…”

After some hours passed by, a nurse came into the living room.

Nurse: “Excuse me, your majesty?”

Cacao: “Is Pure Vanilla and our child okay?”

Nurse: “Yes, your husband just finished having the baby and the baby seems to be in good health.”

Cacao’s Mother: “May we go and see them?”

The nurse nodded and they went to the bedroom to see Pure Vanilla holding the baby with a purple blanket rap around the baby, they walked up to Pure Vanilla.

Cacao: “How are you feeling, Nilla?”

Vanilla: “I’m just a bit tired that’s all.”

Cacao’s Mother: “So is the baby a boy or girl?”

Vanilla: “It’s a boy.” “He’s sound asleep right now.”

Pure Vanilla moved the blanket out of the baby’s face to show that he was asleep. The baby had the same skin and hair color as Dark Cacao but he had a blond hair streak instead of white and he had a diamond mark on his forehead.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Aw he looks so cute!”

She whispered and the doctor came up to them.

Doctor: “Later Pure Vanilla needs to rest so he can recover.”

Cacao: “Okay, thank you for helping him.”

Doctor: “No problem your majesty.”

The doctor and the nurses left.

Cacao’s Mother: “So what are going to name him?”

Vanilla: “How about Dark Choco?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “I think that’s a good name for him.”

Cacao’s Mother: “I agree.”

Vanilla: “What do you think Cao?”

Cacao: “I like it.”

Dark Cacao sat on the other side of the bed and looked at his sleeping son before speaking with a smile.

Cacao: “Welcome to the world Dark Choco.”

End of Chapter Twenty-one

(Have a happy New Year everyone!)

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