Chapter Seven

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The next day on Pure Vanilla’s birthday, it was in his house, and Mochi and Lily were already there because they live close to Pure Vanilla.

Mochi and Lily: “Happy Birthday Pure Vanilla!”

Vanilla: “Aw thank you two.”

Mochi: “Hey Vanilla, is Cacao coming?”

Vanilla: “Ya he should be here soon.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Pure Vanilla’s Mama went to go answer it. When she opened the door she saw Dark Cacao with his mother and also with Hollyberry and Golden Cheese, as well as their parents.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh hello there you guys must be Holly and Cheese’s parents.”

Holly's Mom: “Yes, my daughter wanted to come as well with Golden Cheese.”

Cheese’s Dad: “We hope we aren’t a bother to you.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh no don’t worry I think the more the merrier!”

She let them all in and Cacao, Holly, and Cheese went to where Vanilla and the others were.

Holly and Cheese: “Hey Vanilla Happy Birthday!”

Cacao: “Happy Birthday Vanilla.”

Vanilla: “Thanks.”

The six of them went to sit down in the living room and started to talk as well as the adults started to talk with each other too in the kitchen.

Mochi: “So did Holly and Cheese beg for you to take them again, Cacao?”

Dark Cacao sighed in annoyance while Hollyberry and Golden Cheese were laughing.

Lily: “I guess that’s a yes.”

Mochi: “Well then how about we play some games?”

Cacao: “What kinda games do you play at birthday parties?”

Mochi: “YOU DON’T KNOW!?”

Cacao, Holly, and Cheese shook their heads. Mochi looked like she was about to faint while Lily and Vanilla were surprised.

Vanilla: “How about we show you guys the games we play?”

During the whole party Vanilla, Mochi, and Lily were showing the prince and princesses the games they love playing. After that, they stopped and ate some food that Vanilla’s Mama had made for them. Soon it was time for Vanilla to open his presents, Lily had gotten him cute little flower hairpins, and Mochi got him a new cat plushy. Holly and Cheese were a little embarrassed telling Vanilla that they couldn’t find anything that they would think he liked, he said that it was alright till Cacao came up to Vanilla with a box in his hands.

Cacao: “Here Vanilla, my mother helped me pick something for you.” “I hope you like it.”

Vanilla: “Oh why thank you Cacao.”

When he opened it inside was a yellow kimono with some yellow flowers on it. He looked amazed at it and hug Dark Cacao.


Cacao: “Um you’re welcome Vanilla.”

Cacao was blushing a bit and was relieved that Vanilla liked the kimono, Vanilla soon let go of him.

The girls were looking at the kimono and were amazed at how beautiful it was. After Vanilla got up and went to his Mama.

Vanilla: “Hey Mama.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Yes honey?”

Vanilla: “Can me and my friends go to my room and watch some movies?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Alright dear, me and the other adults will be here cleaning up.”

Pure Vanilla nodded his head and went to tell his friends and soon took them to his room. Inside his room were white painted walls, his bed with a yellow blanket, on the left was a beanbag, to the right was a pile of stuffed animals, and there was a TV on the wall. They all sat down. Hollyberry and Golden Cheese were sitting on the beanbag, Mochi and White Lily sat on the floor in front of the bed and Pure Vanilla was sitting right next to Dark Cacao on the bed.

Holly: "Hey lets watch Coraline!"

Cheese: "Ya!"

Vanilla: "What?"

Pure Vanilla said that in a scared voice, he didn't like that movie because it scares him. Dark Cacao saw him shake a little and place a hand on his shoulder.

Cacao: "Don't worry, we don't have to watch it if you don't like it."

Mochi: "He's right, we can pick another movie if you want."

Vanilla: "No it's fine we can watch it."

Lily: "Are you sure Vanilla?" "You are kinda sensitive to stuff like that."

Vanilla nodded and put on Coraline. After getting close to the end they were at the part where the other mother was chasing Coraline. Pure Vanilla got scared and hugged Dark Cacao's arm really tight and that caused Dark Cacao to blush, after that movie was over Vanilla was still shaking and holding tight onto Cacao's arm.

Cacao: "Hey Vanilla the movie is over now."

Pure Vanilla opens his eyes to see what he's doing and lets go of Cacao's arm and apologizes.

Holly: "How about we let Pure Vanilla choose the next movie?"

Mochi: "Ya, beside it is his birthday."

The others agreed to it and looked at Vanilla. He looked a bit embarrassed.

Vanilla: "Um can we watch Inside Out?" "I like that movie…"

Cacao: "Of course we can, Vanilla."

Pure Vanilla smiled and put on the next movie.

A few hours later all the kids' parents were at Pure Vanilla's door. His Mama knocked on the door then opened it.

Vanilla's Mama: "Vanilla honey, it's time for them to go home."

She saw that all of them were asleep. Hollyberry and Golden Cheese were asleep on the beanbag, White Lily and Mochi were asleep on the floor, and Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao were asleep on the bed cuddling each other. The adults smiled at the scene and walked up and picked up their kid and headed home, when Dark Cacao's Mother tried picking up Cacao, but he didn't want to let go of Pure Vanilla.

Cacao's Mother: "Um, how am I going to get my son?"

Pure Vanilla Mama laughed a little till saying.

Vanilla's Mama: "It's fine for him to spend the night here, you can too if you like."

Cacao's Mother: "Oh are you sure?"

Vanilla's Mama: "Yes we have a spare room if you like to use it and I'll find some night clothes for you."

Dark Cacao's Mother bowed down and thanked her for letting them spend the night, and left the room. Vanilla's Mama grabbed the blanket and put it over the two, turned off the TV, and left the room, closing the door letting the two sleep.

End of Chapter Seven

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