Chapter Ten

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A few days later after the confession they told their friends about it and they were all happy for them. They were all hanging out together in the Cacao kingdom, and both White Lily and Mochi were nervous about being in a castle for the first time but Pure Vanilla said that it was fine.

(Hollyberry is now 25, Golden Cheese is 26, White Lily is also 22, and Mochi Heart is 24)

Mochi: “I'm glad that you guys finally got together.”

Holly: “Ya, you guys always showed hints that you like each other but you guys were too blind to realize.”

Cheese: “True.”

Cacao/Vanilla: “We did?”

Lily: “Yes you both did.”

Both Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were embarrassed after all those years they couldn’t see that they had feelings for each other, while the girls were laughing a little. Soon White Lily said something.

Lily: “So when are you guys going to take over your kingdoms Holly, Cheese, and Cacao?”

Cheese: “I’ll be queen when I turn 30.”

Holly: “I don’t know for me yet.”

Cacao: “For me, my mother first has to retire and announces when I’ll become king.”

Mochi: “Is running a kingdom is going to hard for you guys?”

Cheese: “No, we have been preparing for when the time comes, thanks to our parents.”

Vanilla: “Really?”

Cacao: “Yes, and we had been training to protect our kingdoms from any harm.”

Both Hollyberry and Golden Cheese nodded in agreement.

Mochi: “What kind of training?”

Holly: “I’ve been trained to use a shield for both attacking and defending.”

Cheese: “I’ve been trained to use a spear.”

Cacao: “I’ve been trained to use a sword.”

Vanilla, Lily, and Mochi: “Wow.”

Lily: “You guys must have been training for quite some time huh?”

Cacao: “Yes, for quite a few years actually.”

Holly: “Even when we were kids.”

Cheese: “But our parents didn’t force us to train for hours, they let us take our time.”

Lily: “Well that’s nice of them.”

Cheese: “So what are you guys doing now?”

Vanilla: “I’m running my mama’s shop with the help of a young boy named Herb.”

Lily: “I help take in a kid named Red Velvet, I was told that he had a hard time with his previous parents.”

Mochi: “I’m just helping out my family by watching the little ones, and it’s tiring let me tell you.”

Holly: “How old are Herb and Red Velvet?”

Vanilla: “Herb is 15.”

Lily: “Red Velvet is only 5.”

Cacao: “He’s only five and his parents were giving him a hard time?”

White Lily nodded.

Cheese/Holly: “Poor boy.”

Lily: “Don’t worry, I’m taking good care of him and he even sometimes calls me mom.”

Mochi: “Aw that's sweet.”

After a few hours, they decided that it was time to head back home. Pure Vanilla gave Dark Cacao a quick kiss on the cheek leaving Dark Cacao a red mess, and Hollyberry and Golden Cheese were teasing him as Pure Vanilla, White Lily, and Mochi left and head back to the village.

End of Chapter Ten

(Sorry that I haven't been posting, I just started school again so this might limit my time to write.)

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