Chapter Twenty

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The next day Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White Lily, and Mochi all went to the Cacao kingdom to see Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla. The six were inside, talking and having some drinks.

Lily: "So Vanilla, how are you feeling?"

Vanilla: "I've been feeling fine and the baby is fine too."

When Pure Vanilla said that his voice sounded a bit relieved, which catch Mochi's attention.

Mochi: "Did something happen?"

Cacao: "Well..."

Dark Cacao explained what happened the other day and shocked the girls.


Holly: "And it was from a girl, who was jealous of Vanilla."

Mochi: "So that's why you sounded relieved when you said that your baby is alright."

Lily: "If only Mochi and I were with you Vanilla."

Mochi: "Ya, you should have called us."

Vanilla: "Well, you two were probably busy with your own things.

Mochi: "I wasn't that busy yesterday in the cake shop, so I could have met up with you."

Lily: "Well I was busy, I was taking care of Red Velvet because he caught a fever a few days ago."

Mochi: "Oh right I forgot that Red Velvet got sick, is he better?"

Lily: "He's better now, it wasn't that big of a fever."

Mochi: "That's good."

Holly: "So what happened to the girl who attacked Vanilla?"

Cacao: "She was sent to the dungeon, where she belongs."

Cheese: "Good riddance!"

After talking for a bit, Pure Vanilla noticed something.

Vanilla: "Hey Holly."

Holly: "Hm, what is it?"

Vanilla: "Where is Wildberry?"

The other looked around the area and didn't see Wildberry anywhere, he was always right by Hollyberry.

Mochi: "I don't see him anywhere?"

Lily: "Ya I don't see him either?"

Cheese: "Wasn't he with us when we came here?"

Holly: "Oh, I left him to talk with the two guards by the entrance door."

Cacao: "You mean with Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip?"

Holly: "Yup and it seems like he's interested in the short boy Crunchy Chip."

Cheese: "How could you tell?"

Holly: "It was how they looked at each other and I saw some blush on their faces."

Lily: "I'm guessing it was love at first sight."

Mochi: "I'm betting that they are going to be a couple!"

Holly: "Same!"

Cheese: "Let us hope that they catch on fast, unlike these two."

She looked at Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla and the two looked away in embarrassment. The girls started laughing, and as they were laughing, Pure Vanilla felt something in his stomach. He looked down and placed his hand on his stomach and felt something again, Dark Cacao looked at Pure Vanilla.

Cacao: "Is something wrong Nilla?"

The girls stopped laughing and also looked at Pure Vanilla in confusion. Pure Vanilla looked up at Dark Cacao and smiled before talking.

Vanilla: "I think that the baby started kicking."

Cacao: "Wait really?"

Pure Vanilla grabbed one of Dark Cacao's hands and place it on his stomach and Dark Cacao also felt a kick, he looked excited.

Cacao: "I felt it!"

The girls were just watching the two and looked at each other.

Lily: "It seems like their baby is doing well."

Holly: "Yup!"

Cheese: "Hey can I feel it?"

Mochi: "Me too!"

Vanilla: "Sure!"

Golden Cheese and Mochi got up and placed one of their hands on Pure Vanilla's stomach and felt some kicks too.

Cheese: "It seems like they are going to be energetic!"

Mochi: "Do you guys know the gender yet?"

Vanilla: "We want to wait till the baby is born."

Golden Cheese and Mochi nodded and went back to go sit down and Hollyberry asked something.

Holly: "So you guys haven't decided on a name yet?"

Cacao: "We'll think of a name once our baby is born."

Cheese: "I wonder what the baby would look like?"

Holly: "It would be funny if the baby looked more like Cacao!"

Mochi: "I mean he does look like his mother just that he's a boy though."

Vanilla: "I don't mind how they look as long that they are healthy when they arrive."

Cacao: "I agree, no matter what we will raise them with such good care."

Lily: "It seems like you two are going to be great parents."

A few hours later, Wildberry entered the room.

Wild: "Lady Hollyberry, I believe it's time to head back to the kingdom."

Holly: "Come on Wildberry don't you want to stay and talk with that short boy?~"

Wildberry had a little blush on his face but shook it off before speaking again.

Wild: "No, it's time to return and for you to do your duty as queen." "You as well Lady Golden Cheese."

Hollyberry sighed and got up, with Golden Cheese following her.

Holly: "Welp guess it's time for us to go."

Cheese: "Yup take care, you guys!"

The four said bye to Hollyberry and Golden Cheese, and soon White Lily and Mochi got up.

Lily: "I think it's time for us to go too."

Mochi: "Yup, I have to get back to my cake shop."

Cacao: "Have a safe trip you two."

Vanilla: "Take care!"

The two girls left and Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla decided to head back to their home as well.

End of Chapter Twenty


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