Chapter Thirteen

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The next day Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao went to Pure Vanilla’s house to tell his mama the news about their engagement.

Vanilla: “I’m a bit nervous telling her.”

Cacao: “Don’t be Nilla, I'm sure she’ll be happy to hear the news.”

Pure Vanilla nodded and headed inside the house with Dark Cacao following him. Pure Vanilla’s mama walked up to them and greeted them.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Welcome back honey.” “Oh, I see you brought Dark Cacao with you.”

Vanilla: “Yes, actually we have something to tell you.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Oh, well let me make some tea, and then you can tell the news.”

Cacao: “Alright we’ll be in the living room.”

Pure Vanilla’s mama nodded and started to make tea while Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao went to sit in the living room. A few minutes later Pure Vanilla’s Mama walked up with the tea and sat down across from the two.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Alright then so what do you have to tell me?”

Vanilla: “Well the thing is…”

Pure Vanilla couldn’t say what he wants to say so Dark Cacao spoke for him.

Cacao: “Your son and I are engaged, I proposed to him yesterday.”

Pure Vanilla mama froze in place, and Pure Vanilla started to panic.

Vanilla: “Mama are you okay?!”

Pure Vanilla mama looked up at the two with tears in her eyes before speaking.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Really already?!”

Both Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao were surprised but comfort her. After a while, she calmed down and started talking.

Vanilla’s Mama: “Sorry for scaring you but I’m just really surprised to know that you two are already getting married.”

Pure Vanilla was relieved and Dark Cacao started to talk.

Cacao: “So may I receive your blessings?”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Yes you may have my blessings and please take good care of my son.”

Vanilla: “Come on mama your embarrassing me!”

Cacao: “Heh.” “I’ll be sure to take great care of you son so don’t worry.”

Vanilla: “Not you too Cao!”

Pure Vanilla was a red mess while his mama and Dark Cacao were laughing. Soon Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao got up and headed towards the door.

Vanilla: “See you later mama, Cao and I are heading to Mochi’s cake shop.”

Vanilla’s Mama: “Alright bye you two.”

The two left and headed towards the cake shop. Mochi got to open a cake shop a few months ago and she always does her very best to make good cakes. When the two got there, they were greeted by Mochi.

Mochi: “Welcome!” “Oh Cacao and Vanilla, I’m guessing why you two are here.”

Vanilla: “Yes, since you make wonderful cakes we were thinking if you can make us a wedding cake.”

Mochi: “Of course and it’ll be free of charge because since you guys are my friends and it’ll be my present to you guys.”

Vanilla: “You don’t have to do that.”

Mochi: “No I insist so, please take it as a gift.”

Cacao: “Ok if you insist.”

Mochi: “Great!” “Now tell me what you would like for your wedding cake?”

Mochi took out her notepad so she can write down the design of the wedding cake.

Cacao: “Well we would like a 5-tier cake with white frosting and some yellow and purple frosting flowers.”

Vanilla: “We hope it’s not too much to ask for.”

Mochi: “Nope it’s not, plus this is a cake shop so sometimes I do get pretty big orders.” “I should have it done within a week.”

Cacao: “Within a week?”

Vanilla: “You must be good with making cakes so fast.”

Mochi: “Yes I do enjoy baking and trying new designs so I like a challenge!”

Vanilla: “Thank you Mochi, I’m sure the cake with be amazing.”

Mochi: “Thank you so much Vanilla, I’ll be sure to make it extra special for you two.”

Cacao: “Well we better be going now, bye Mochi.”

Vanilla: “Ya bye Mochi.”

Mochi: “See ya and come again!”

The two left the cake shop and Mochi went to start on the cake. The two headed back to Pure Vanilla’s Home while holding hands.

End of Chapter Thirteen

(I kinda took inspiration from the cake update in the game and thought it'll be a good idea for Mochi.)

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