Chapter Fourteen

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A week later, Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla went back to Mochi’s cake shop to see how the cake is and when they got there, they were greeted by Mochi who seems to be covered in frosting.

Mochi: “Welcome!” “Hey Cacao and Vanilla you’re right on time, I just finish!”

Vanilla: “Really all ready?"

Cacao: “I guess you are fast at making cakes.”

Mochi: “Sure am!” “So would you like to see it?”

Vanilla: “Yes we would love to.”

Mochi: “Great!” “Just follow me please.”

Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla followed Mochi into the back leading to the kitchen where she did all her baking and decorating. After a bit, Mochi lead them to the spot where their wedding cake was made and the two were amazed at it. The cake was 5 tiers from a big layer at the bottom to a small one at the top, and around the whole cake, there were yellow and purple flowers made out of frosting going in a pattern.

Mochi: “Here it is!” “So what do you two think?”

Vanilla: “It looks amazing Mochi!”

Cacao: “You were able to make this in just one week?”

Mochi nodded and looked proud of herself. Soon there was the sound of the door opening and a voice.

Mochi: "Please excuse me." "Coming!"

Mochi left the kitchen and headed to greet the customer, while Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were still looking at the cake.

Vanilla: "You can tell that she really put a lot of effort into this."

Cacao: "She sure did."

A few seconds later Mochi came back.

Mochi: "Hey Vanilla, Herb is here and he wants to talk to you!"

Vanilla: "Oh he is?" "I'll be right there."

Cacao: "Lets go then."

The two left the kitchen and headed to the counter to see Mochi, Herb, and a boy with short bright blond hair.

Herb: "Hello Pure Vanilla, what brings you here?"

Vanilla: "Hello Herb, I'm here to see how our cake is doing for my wedding."

Herb: "Oh right I'm excited for the day of the wedding!"

Pure Vanilla told Herb the news about his engagement a few days ago and Herb was happy for him.

Mochi: "So who is this boy you brought with you Herb?"

Herb: "Well this is Sparkling, he's my boyfriend." "We started dating a few months ago."

Sparkling: "Nice to meet you, and congratulations on your engagement Pure Vanilla." "Herb told me about it a while ago."

Vanilla: "Why thank you Sparkling."

Right after Sparkling noticed Dark Cacao.

Sparkling: "Is he your partner Pure Vanilla?"

Vanilla: "Yes this is Dark Cacao and he's going to become king when we get married."

Sparkling: "Wait, he's going to become king!?"

Cacao: "Yes indeed."

Herb: "Well isn't that nice, it looks like you're going to become royalty too Pure Vanilla!"

Mochi: "Now that he mentioned that, he's right Vanilla since you're going to marry a prince and he's going to be king when you two get married so then doesn't that mean that you both will be kings?"

Vanilla: "Oh I never thought of that…"

Cacao: "I mean they're both right."

Vanilla: "But I know nothing about running a kingdom!" "What am I going to do…"

Cacao: "Don't worry Nilla, you don't have to do much." "I'll do most of the work."

Vanilla: "Really are you sure?"

Cacao: "Yes I'm sure."

Mochi: "So, would you like me to send the cake to the castle?"

Cacao: "Yes, that would be nice."

Herb: "So when's the wedding?"

Vanilla: "In three months."

Herb: "I can't wait to see it!"

Sparkling: "Me two."

Mochi: "Me three!"

Cacao: "Well we better be going now to finish planning."

Vanilla: "He's right." "Thank you again Mochi for the cake."

Mochi: "No problem!" "Have a good day you two."

Herb: "Bye Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao!"

Sparkling: "See ya!"

Cacao: "Goodbye you guys."

Vanilla: "Have a good day."

The two left the shop.

End of Chapter Fourteen

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