Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day the two had invited their friends into their home to see their son. All of them were in the living room while Pure Vanilla was in the nursery. (The four don’t know the gender of the baby yet.)

Lily: “How’s Vanilla?”

Mochi: “Ya is he okay?”

Cacao: “He’s doing just fine, he just needed to rest for a while after.”

Lily and Mochi smiled knowing that Pure Vanilla was doing fine.

Holly: “So, are they a boy or a girl?”

Cheese: “Ya come on tell us!”

Cacao: “They are-”

Vanilla: “A boy.”

The five looked at Pure Vanilla walking in with Dark Choco, who is wrapped in a purple blanket in Pure Vanilla’s arms, and he sat down next to Dark Cacao on the couch. They greeted Pure Vanilla.

Lily: “Congrats on the baby Vanilla.”

Mochi: “Ya congrats.”

Vanilla: “Thanks you two.”

Holly: “So they're a boy and what’s his name?”

Cacao: “We decided on Dark Choco.”

Cheese: “Can we see what he looks like?”

Pure Vanilla nodded and moved the blanket a bit to show Dark Choco, the four saw Dark Choco asleep.

Mochi: “He looks so cute!”

Holly/Cheese: “He is!”

They shouted a little just not so loud.

Lily “Adorable.”

Holly: “He looks like Cacao and even his name is similar to his.”

Cheese: “Yup that’s for sure.”

Mochi: “I wonder whose eyes he got?”

As Mochi said that, Dark Choco started to wake up and open his eyes. His right eye is purple while his left eye is blue. (I know Dark Choco’s eyes are red but I just change them for the story.)

Lily: “He has two different color eyes just like Vanilla.”

Holly: “Well who wouldn’t have guessed that!”

Mochi and Golden Cheese were laughing a bit, while Dark Choco was looking around and looked up at Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao. The two smiled at their son and Dark Cacao grabbed Dark Choco and held him in his arms.

Cacao: “Hello Dark Choco, I’m your father.”

Dark Cacao hold out his hand toward Dark Choco and Dark Choco grabbed it with a smile. The girls looked at the three.

Holly: “Hey I want to hold him!”

Cheese: “Me too!”

Vanilla: “Sure just a minute.”

Pure Vanilla looked at Mochi and White Lily.

Vanilla: “Would you like to hold him too?”

Mochi: “Sure!”

Lily: “Of course.”

The four had their turns holding Dark Choco and soon he went to sleep again, Pure Vanilla went to go take Dark Choco back to the nursery so he can sleep. When He came back the six talked for a while and soon the girls decided to head home and left, while Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao went to start doing their own stuff.

End of Chapter Twenty-Two

(Sorry for not posting after a while I've been busy with my own thing and sometimes I don't have the motivation to write.) (And I've been thinking of writing another story but it won't be a crk fanfic but an Aphmau fanfic I was thinking of and I don't know that I should wait till I finish this one or just start writing it while trying to think more about this one.)

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