Chapter Fifteen

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The two were getting everything ready for their wedding like, thinking about where it should be held, the decorations, their outfits, etc. Just like that, three months had gone by and now it was the day of their wedding. Both Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla were getting ready with the help of their moms, they were nervous yet excited. Dark Cacao finished first with his black suit with a tie with a purple diamond on it and was waiting for Pure Vanilla to finish and his mother came up to him.

Cacao's Mother: "Are you ready?"

Cacao: "Yes, I'm just a bit nervous that's all."

Dark Cacao's Mother laugh a bit.

Cacao's Mother: "Well it's okay to be nervous." "It's your big day is it not?"

Cacao: "I'm getting married and becoming king, so what Mother?" "And I wonder if Nilla is okay living in the castle with me..."

Cacao's Mother: "Don't worry his mom and I have a surprise for you two."

Cacao: "Really?"

Dark Cacao's Mother nodded, and soon it was time for Pure Vanilla to come out and walk down the aisle. When Dark Cacao saw him, he was amazed at how Pure Vanilla was dressed. Pure Vanilla was in a light blue and white color dress with some bright yellow at the bottom of the sleeves, he had a bright yellow accessory with some blue around his chest with a blue crystal in the center, a white veil on the back of his head, and he was holding a bouquet of yellow and purple roses. Music started playing as Pure Vanilla was walking towards Dark Cacao, who has some red on his face, and when Pure Vanilla got up, the priest started to talk

Priest: "Today we are here to congratulate these two men in front of us." "Do you Dark Cacao, promise to love Pure Vanilla with all your heart and stay by his side?"

Cacao: "I do."

Priest: "And you Pure Vanilla, promise to love Dark Cacao with all your heart and stay by his side?"

Vanilla: "I do."

Priest: "Now will the ring holder please come up?"

Mochi was the ring holder, she walked up with the pillow with the two rings on it and held up to the two. Both Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla took one of the rings and put it on one another.

Priest: "I now declare these two as husbands!" "You may now kiss."

The two kissed while the guest clapped their hands and cheered for them. It was a fun time watching the newlyweds dance on the dance floor, and it was now time for the bouquet toss. When Pure Vanilla tossed the bouquet many tried to catch it but Herb was able to catch the bouquet causing Sparkling to become a red mess. Soon the wedding was over but all their friends come up to them.

Holly and Cheese: "CONGRATS AGAIN YOU TWO!!"

Mochi: "You two make a good couple."

Lily: "You sure do."

Vanilla: "Thanks all of you!"

Cacao: "We appreciate it."

Lily: "So Vanilla are you going to live here now with Cacao?"

Mochi: "Ya and we don't mind if you do, we want you to be happy."

Vanilla: "Well um, I don't know how long it will take me to get used to a big place like this..."

Cacao: "Don't worry, we'll figure something out."

Pure Vanilla nodded and then both of their moms came up and it seems that Dark Cacao's Mother was holding something in her hands.

Cacao's Mother: "Dark Cacao aren't you forgetting something?"

Dark Cacao's Mother was holding a crown and Dark Cacao kneeled as she place the crown onto Dark Cacao.

Cacao's Mother: "Now you are the king of this kingdom alongside Pure Vanilla." "You will have to work hard to keep this kingdom safe no matter what."

Cacao: "I understand Mother."

Cacao's Mother: "Good, now it's time for the surprise we have ready for you two."

Vanilla's Mama: "I think you might like this Vanilla."

Vanilla: "Huh, okay?"

Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla said their goodbyes to their friends and started to follow their moms and soon stop at a door, both were confused.

Cacao: "I don't remember that door being there?"

Vanilla: "What's this about?"

Vanilla's Mama: "Well we figure that my son would be overwhelmed being with royalty."

Cacao's Mother: "So I made a special place only just for you two, go right ahead."

When the two opened the door they saw that it was just like how Pure Vanilla's home looked like.

Cacao: "You guys had this made for us?"

The two moms nodded.

Cacao's Mother: "I even made a nursery room for whenever you guys decided on having kids."

The two newlyweds became red while their moms were laughing a bit.

Vanilla's Mama: "So what do you think Vanilla?"

Vanilla: "I love it Mama thank you." "But what about the shop?"

Vanilla's Mama: "Don't worry honey, I decide to let Herb run it since he's such a big help."

Vanilla: "Really!?"

Vanilla's Mama: "Yes, I already talk with him and he seems just fine running it."

Cacao's Mother: "Now we better be off, you two enjoy your first night as newlywed."

Vanilla's Mama: "Have a good night Honey and enjoy your new life here." "You can come to visit me anytime alright."

Vanilla: "Okay Mama."

The two moms left and leave Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla alone.

Cacao: "Let us get ready for bed shall we Nilla?"

Vanilla: "Yes my dear Cao."

The two got ready for bed and soon get into bed and kissed each other goodnight and went to sleep.

End of Chapter Fifteen

End of Chapter Fifteen

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