Chapter 10: breaking free?

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"Oh uhm, Jungwon. I'm hanging up.". I informed the boy, before cutting the call. Quickly, I stowed the phone in my pocket.

"Sorry. Uhm, are you already done with training?", I asked.

Heeseung turned around to the big watch on the scoreboard. "It's half past twelve, so yes.".

I noticed how quickly the time had passed. First I was busy following the game, then observing the girl on the other side and the phone call with Jungwon.

"I see," I answered quietly, feeling a little intimidated as he looked down at me expectantly.

Finally, I reached out my arm and offered him his jacket. "I don't remember anything.".

He started chuckling a little. "Yeah, I kind of figured that.", slowly, he took the jacket from my hand and placed it over his forearm.

"So, uhm, could you tell me what happened?". Fuck, why can't i control the goddamn flushing function of my face.

„You were really drunk, so I headed you home.", he explained.

„How bad was it?".

„Let me put it this way. Now I know what you meant with having a bad relationship with alcohol", he laughed.

I lowered my head in embarrassment with a chuckle.

„You thought I was Santa and complained about me having no sled with reindeer.".

„Oh my gosh...", I buried my face into my palms. „Anything else?".

Heeseung playfully nodded at the piece of fabric in his hands. „You we're stripping out Siu's hoodie, so I lent you my jacket".

„STRIPPING OUT?", I yelled a little too loud, making all eyes dart at me. He's telling me I run around on our streets without a shirt? My eyes stared at him in shock.

„Don't worry. Nobody saw anything.".

YEAH! Nobody but YOU! Lee Heeseung saw my fucking bra. Okay, come down Hyeona. A bra is the same as a bikini.

No, it's kinda not!

Besides, the last time I went into the pool with him and my brother was about three and a half years ago.

I completely spaced out.

„Who stripped out?", Jake appeared behind his older friend, bumping his shoulder.

The two boys eyeing my frozen body. Jake's smile dropped quicker than it appeared. „Hyeo, are you okay?", he glanced back at Heeseung before pushing past him and squatting down in front of me.

„Yeah I'm fine!". I quickly shook my hands in front of my body.

„What are you doing, bro?". Heeseung suddenly grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him back up. They exchanged a strange look which got me confused. Did they argue at any point and I didn't notice it?

"Heeseung explained to me what happened last night.", I addressed Jake to calm his slightly anger expression.

"So... what did happen?". He glanced at me, waiting for an answer, while chewing on the inside of his cheek.

The older one rolled his eyes in annoyance and grabbed his bag from the bleachers. "Nothing happened, Jake. Jeez, control your fucking jealousy.", he said, why walking off. My eyes following him for a few seconds.

"Can we leave?", Jake asked me, making my head snap back. "Or do you wanna go somewhere else?".

"No, I'm fine", I answered as quick as possible. Jake was obviously in a bad mood. It seemed as if Heeseung had scratched his ego, so I didn't want to bother him any further.

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