Chapter 11: arguments over arguments

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"You're too slow! How should we ever beat them at the game on Sunday?", Heeseung angrily yelled at his teammates, who all stopped at once on the field and stared reproachfully at their captain.

"What the fuck? It's not our fault. Jake just won't pass the ball to any of us.", Beomgyu complained. But the letter didn't seem to pay attention. Jake walked back and forth with his arms on his hips, minding his own business.

Heeseung looked across the field at him, but said nothing. "Stop making excuses and try harder.". In a harsh tone, he left the field to get a drink.

Beomgyu and Sunghoon frowned in annoyance. Sweat was already dripping off their foreheads, and they would be lucky if they could walk properly tomorrow. Sunghoon's gaze switched over to Jake, as he approached him with quick steps.

"What's wrong with you today?" he addressed him from a distance, which made all the players turn their heads curiously.

"What are you talking about?" Jake replied, of course noticing that the younger one already started boiling inside.

"You're not passing the ball. We're a team, and you're not a lone player."

His explanation made him chuckle for a moment. "We were in opposing teams.... Of course, I'm not giving you the ball. You're just too slow, Sunghoon.".

But his laughter immediately subsided as he faced Sunghoon's scowl. The other players also noticed the tension that was building between the two and slowly walked towards them.

"I hope for god's sake you'll sit on the bench next Sunday."

"What the hell is your problem? Doesn't your ego put up with me being better than you?". Jake didn't back away as Sunghoon took a step closer to him.

"BOYS! STOP THAT SHIT!" shouted Jay from further back, but neither of them listened to the older one.

"Stay away from Hyeona!" whispered Sunghoon, so no one else could hear.

"Well, obviously, that's what it's all about... ". A grin appeared on Jake's face. "You don't give a shit how I play. You're just mad at me for what happened to your sister. Why don't you realize that she can have feelings for someone, too?"

"But that someone won't be you, damn it.".

"You treat her like shit. No wonder she hates you."

"I don't treat her like shit. I just want to keep her away from idiots like you.". You could see Sunghoon's hands clench into fists in anger.

[Hyeona POV]

I left the school building together with Jungwon, my digital camera in my hand, and insecurely inspected the pictures I had taken the day before.

"I don't know. None of them seem good enough to edit well," I bit my lip as I skipped about 50 pictures with my thumb.

"Nah! This one is pretty good.", Jungwon pointed to the screen showing a pink colored peony.

Jungwon and I had taken a voluntary course at school to improve our photography. This will be very useful next year when we graduate with an art major.

From a few meters away, we could suddenly hear loud screams and shouts, which got our attention. Jungwon squinted his eyes and fixed them on some people arguing loudly on the football field.

"Isn't your brother in training right now?" he checked the time on his cell phone. But my eyes were focused on the only blond-haired guy in the group, who seemed to be the center of the argument.

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