Chapter 51: exposed?

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„Ah ah! That's not how the game works.". I leaned back with a smirk.

„I didn't agree to this shit."

I bent down and spread some kisses on his neck, which made him grab his hands firmly around my waist. „No shit. You're really going for it, aren't you?".

„Shhh", I pressed my finger on his lips. „Just be quiet.". I adjusted myself and pushed my hair back behind my ears. „You know...I'm not wearing any underwear.", pulling back again a bit to see him going insane to my words, was hella amusing.

His hands slowly but surely found their way below my shirt but I stopped him as soon as I noticed. „Hey! Don't touch me!".

„That's not how sharing works.", he grinned and removed his hands again.

„Those are my rules.", I smirked back. „I'm on top, I'm in control. And I will let me touch you if you admit that you like it when I'm naughty.". But I noticed his bulge through the fabric of my sweatpants, which was enough of a admission for me. "Just confirm it though.". I smirked even wider.

„First, just because you're sitting on top, it doesn't mean anything. Got it? Second, have you been smoking anything or what the heck is wrong with you all of a sudden? Third, of course I get hard when you sit directly on my cock and tell me that you're fucking naked below this.", Heeseung tugged on my sleeve.

„Okay. Just one sneak peak. Because it's you.", I agreed and lifted myself a little off his lap. My hands found their way to the waistband of my sweats, slowly sliding them down my legs and keeping Heeseung in chokehold. I just knew from his strained look, and his nervous lick over his lips, that he was about to go completely crazy.

„I hate you.". He shook his head as he realized that I was messing with him and still wearing my panties underneath. I kicked the fabric off my feet, whereupon my sweats landed in the footwell.

I couldn't suppress a laugh when I sank down on him again, making him groan lowly.

„Aww sorry. I promise, I won't tease you any longer... although...maybe a tiny little bit.". My eyes dropped to his waistband. My hands began to pull them down as if by themselves, although, of course that didn't work because he was still sitting on them.

„Wait...", he lifted himself off the seat slightly and pulled down the lower part, so I could go on with the upper part. The sweatpants slid down to his knees and I stopped for a second. "Now I won't tease y...". I couldn't even finish my sentence because he interrupted me with a deep kiss. It almost felt as if his pent-up energy was being discharged all at once. Closing his eyes and moving his lips down to my neck, barely touching my skin but leaving tingles that tortured my deprived body. I couldn't help but close my own eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, not wanting to already moan at the very beginning of our rendezvous.

„I knew you would be the loser.", I whispered close to his ear. My hands found themselves back onto his thighs, rubbing at an urgent pace. I didn't realize my hand had reached his bulge until Heeseung let out a groan and broke his lips from my body to look down at the mess I was making of him.

„Hyeo...", his voice snapped me out of my thoughts and an eternal pause filled with heavy breaths was the only sound to be heard in the night.

It was striking how the mood changed abruptly. His deep and patient stare into my eyes made me go weak in my knees.

He was asking me.

A shaky sigh came out of my mouth. The outside world no longer existed and it was just me and Heeseung, silently enjoying the presence of each other.

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