Chapter 43: downpour

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I greeted them both back with a slight bow. „Are you two from around here? Your friend is really cool, maybe we can meet more often.".

„I'm Steven, by the way". The smaller one offered me his hand. „I'm Marc,", the other one added quickly after. The situation was kinda awkward, but I still wanted to be nice and told them my name as well.

„Uhm...we are actually from Korea, but I live with a friend of mine here in Vancouver. And he's visiting me.". I shifted in my seat.

„Is there a chance to get to know you better?", suddenly one of them asked, which threw me completely off track. „What the fuck man?!", the other one hissed and punched him slightly. I startled and slipped a small bit to the side.

„Ahh...uhm...I'm not sure...".

„What's wrong, baby?", Heeseung suddenly appeared behind the two of them and made his way to me. „Are they bothering you?". He stared at them, like he was about to beat them up.

Something in my body made me reach for his hand and clasp it tightly. I wasn't really afraid, but I took the opportunity to show them I'm definitely not interested.

The two seemed to have understood quickly and shuffled back to their friends, a bit pissed off. They mumbled something unintelligible before one of them raised his hand in farewell.

„Gosh, why are so many guys interested in you?", Heeseung laughed as we watched the group leave. „I could ask you the same!", I tilted my head and met his piercing gaze.

„Okay, come one! It's your turn.", he suddenly said and pulled me along with him, since I was still clinging to his hand.

„Throw a basket.".

„Not when you are watching...", I whined and refused to try it. „Should i turn around?", he joked but of course didn't.

I focused on the net and bit my lower lip when I finally threw the ball.

Of course I missed.

With a disappointed but not surprised smile, I wanted to sit back down on the bench, but Heeseung ran after the ball and passed it to me again.

"Try again!".

I did like he said, but missed again. „I'm not good at stuff like this. It's embarrassing.".

„It's not embarrassing. Wait.", He lined up behind me and handed the ball forward from over my head. „It's the easiest when you try to hit either the top right or left corner. Don't focus on the net that much.".

„It's the last try, okay?!". I said, while turning a little, just to notice his head was right next to my ear.

He nodded in agreement.

I squinted my eyes and try to hit the corner of the board. But his time, I missed it completely.

It was not even close.

Heeseung could no longer hold back his laughter, and I flopped down on the floor in a huff. „I said I'm horrible at ball sports.".

"Nah, you're not.". I tilted my head to the side as if he was messing with me. "Okay, maybe you are a little bit horrible.".

"This builds me up for real"I joked and watched as he fetched the ball again and bounced it on the floor a few times. I leaned back and looked up at the night sky. The stars were clearly visible because the sky was clear, and the weather very cold.

"Hyeo, you will get sick," Heeseung complained and dropped the ball under his arm. He held out both of his hands to help me up, and I got up from the ground with his weight to balance me.

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