Chapter 42: basketball court

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Sometime later, I woke up again because I was tormented by thirst and my throat felt like a desert. I reached down next to my bed, half asleep and groped for my bottle, but in vain.

With an annoyed groan, I got up from the and shuffled into the kitchen. On the way there, I saw a white styrofoam box next to the front door. Kathy had painted a Smiley with a sharpie on it, which caused a week chuckle to appear on my sleepy face.

In the kitchen, I grabbed cutlery and of course my desperately needed water bottle and slipped back under the covers.

I had just snuggled in comfortably and eaten a little of my salad, when the doorbell rang. Startled, I stopped chewing and listened for any sounds coming from outside. In all the months in which I lived here, it had not rung even once. Kathy had her key, and no one else ever wanted to visit us unannounced. Not to mention that it was a few minutes past half past ten.

My heart started beating nervously, should I open the door or not?

I put the salad aside and slipped out of my room. Slowly I approached the front door and stopped a step away. I pressed my ear against the wood to hear sounds from outside. All the more I was scared when another ringing jolted through the dark apartment. As if by magic, I turned on as many lights as possible.

Why don't these damn city apartments have an intercom or camera on the door? Hesitantly, I stepped back to the door and asked in a husky voice. "Hello?"

A few seconds of silence.

"Hello back."

"Who are you?", I asked hesitantly, as if a monster was lurking behind the door and would jump at me at any moment.

"You don't recognize Santa? Shame on you.".

Santa? My thoughts rolled over briefly until I finally opened the door a crack and stuck my head out.

Heeseung was grinning in front of me, and relief flooded my body. "Gosh, what are you doing here? I was so scared.".

"I'm bored," he said.

I opened the door wider and let him enter. "You could have texted for a minute. Kathy's not here, thank goodness. She probably would have freaked out if she saw you.".

"I know. I saw her leave a few minutes ago.".

Heeseung looked around the apartment. "Nice spot you've got here.".

"Now you're already staking out my home," I complained playfully.

He chuckled and followed me, although I had no idea where I was going. Was this supposed to be an apartment tour? "Where is your room?".

My steps quickened a bit, since I knew exactly what kind of chaos was in there. "Back here," I disappeared into it a few seconds before he did, grabbing as many clothes as I could to hide under my covers. "It's small. But cozy.". He looked around briefly while I was shocked to discover a bra on the floor and inconspicuously kicked it behind the bed as well.

"You just ate?", he nodded in the direction of my bed, on which I had left the bowl of salad.

I took a seat on my mattress again and continued eating my salad. "I haven't eaten anything yet today. In general, I was VERY unproductive today," I confessed, looking down at my outfit. Sweatpants, oversized sweater, tennis socks. Hair tied up in a knot.

"I look like a homeless person.".

"What I wanted to ask.", Heeseung suddenly started. "On the way here, I saw this place.". I squinted my eyes to make out anything on his much too dark display. It looked something like a remote sports field.

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