Chapter 47: kicked out

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However, even the most restful sleep eventually passes. Even if you stubbornly try to suppress it and wish nothing more than to fall asleep again and enjoy the moment a bit longer. Then wake up together and cuddle for one more hour. Who wouldn't want that?

At least that was my idea of a perfect morning.

What was in store for Heeseung and me, however, was by far the shittiest way to be woken up.

"Inside there! Yes, I'm sure!", a muffled voice from outside that made me blink in confusion and I opened my sleepy eyes in torment. I also noticed how Heeseung became restless next to me.

"Hurry up please!".

In the next second, a familiar beeping and clacking sound was heard from the door, and my head realized what just happened.

Two people stormed into the room and I almost let out a scream. "KATHY?!".

A hotel employee in a red-white uniform stumbled into my shocked friend when she stopped abruptly and couldn't believe what she saw.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?". She literally yelled at me, and Heeseung finally sat up in confusion.


"Kathy! Come down! I can explain this". I crawled closer to the edge of the bed and knocked the blanket off my legs.

But my she turned her back on me without further ado and I thought she wanted to leave the room, which is why I was about to storm after her.

However, she grabbed the employee and shoved her out of the room by both shoulders. "Okay, thank you very much! The problem is solved, I guess. Have a great day. BYEEE!", she literally threw the door shut behind her and stumbled back into the middle of the room.

But before Kathy could even begin her speech, she was snapped out of it by Heeseung.


She released her pent-up anger in one breath. "Hey...".

"What on earth is going on here? I leave the house at freaking 11 o'clock, come back 4 hours later...and you are no longer at home?! Like, don't answer your phone, no message, no nothing!".

"I know. I'm sorry. My phone is dead.", I chewed guiltily on my lower lip.

"I don't care if your phone is dead. I was so worried about you, jackass!". She sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

I offered her to examine my body. "Look at me. I am perfectly fine, Kath..."

"How did you even find us?", Heeseung suddenly addressed her.

"Your lover girl here stole my digital watch...GPS tracking.".

I got up with a yawn and went to the bathroom to get my pants, which had dried in the meantime. "What the fuck, you tracked me??".

"I thought maybe you got kidnapped or am I supposed to know that...never mind...", she broke off.

„Okay. I'm sorry!", I excused in annoyance and saw Heeseung get up from the bed to put his hoodie back on.

Kathy clasped her arms and lowered herself on the huge armchair, on which I had sat last night. „Call me dumb, but I don't understand it. Like, I thought you two broke up. And what are you doing here in the first place? How long has this been going on between you guys again?".

I glared at Heeseung. Well, this topic. We hadn't had this conversation until now. Like, were we actually back to dating now or was it all unintentionally last night?

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