Chapter 17: first date

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I sat tensely on our couch in the living room as the little hand on the clock pointed to 4. Only two more hours... I nervously bobbed my legs up and down.

"Uhm mom!", I called towards the kitchen. "I completely forgot to tell you that I won't be at home for dinner tonight.".

For once, my mom wasn't behind the counter today doing her favorite thing, cooking, but had her reading glasses pushed down on her nose while she puzzled over her Sudoku.

"You either?". She asked surprised.

I frowned. "What do you mean, either? What about Sunghoon?".

"He's out tonight too.". She sighed. "You know, I'm starting to think I'm just cooking for myself. We hardly see each other anyway, and when I'm home, you guys are flying around somewhere.".

The corners of my mouth dropped instantly. She was right. I gradually began to feel bad. She was often on call due to her job as a doctor, and of course the late and night shifts contributed to the fact that we saw each other very rarely.

"I'm really sorry. You know I rarely go out in the evening, and it's just this one time...",

"... it's not a problem. It's not really about you. But your brother has become really exhausting lately. I hope he gets out of this phase soon.".

I am really relieved that I am not the only one who feels this way about my brother's behavior. Him slutting around really makes me uncomfortable, and I feel ashamed to be his sister in some way.

"Who are you seeing today?". My mother took a sip from her teacup. "A boy?".

I delayed a bit because of the unexpected question. "Uhm Jungwon.", I scratched the back of my head. "As usual.".

"Really?", she pushed her glasses up a little more and eyed me suspiciously. "His mother told me they are going to visit their grandparent's house in Iksan for the weekend.".

Dumbfounded, I flopped back onto the couch. "Okay, maybe not Jungwon then.". I exhaled as I realized that my excuse no longer made sense.

"Is it a boy?". She repeated wide-eyed.

"You don't know him, mom.",

"Ah ah, too bad. You can bring him home sometime. Maybe your brother will calm down a bit, if you introduce him to someone he doesn't know.".

First of all, I'm screwed. And secondly, who says that just because my mother doesn't know a person, my brother doesn't know them either. Is she forgetting that her son is probably the IT boy of the city, with contacts that reach halfway around the world?

At half past four, I went back upstairs to my room. I had to prepare myself both mentally and physically for what lay ahead of me in 90 minutes. "What if Hee just messed with me?" I stopped to apply the concealer to my skin. "Because I'm gullible...".

Nahhh. He's not that kind of person.

Or is he??

I tried to push the thought out of my head, because it took away all the anticipation and excitement. I just hoped for the best, and if it didn't turn out that way, at least I knew.

"Long thick clothes?", with a questioning face, I stood in front of my open closet and stared helplessly inside.

How warm?

Like 10 degrees cold, 0 degrees cold? Should I take a thick jacket?

I had no idea.

There were just too many thoughts flying around in my head, and was unable to process that I actually would go on a date with Heeseung in a few minutes.

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