Chapter 59: cuddles

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Holy shit.

I kept my eyes closed to be really sure that I was no longer dreaming but had actually woken up. Never before in my life had I had a dream that felt so real. Maybe I should have a check-up with a doctor.

Tired, I stretched my body under the warm comforter and rolled over onto my side where I found Heeseung, as expected. He was already awake, scrolling through his phone. My eyes traced up his body and when I tried to fix a loose strand of hair on his head while I was still half asleep, he turned his head.

"Princess and the pea has woken up.", he joked and grinned at me. "How are you?".

I frowned in confusion. "I'm fine. Why?". I scooted up and rested my back against the headrest. The blanket slipped off my shoulders and I realized that I was bare on top.

"Wait..." I gasped and reached for the blanket again to cover myself. "It was not a dream!?".

"Well.", Heeseung cleared his throat. "It depends on what you supposedly dreamed of.".

I lifted the covers while he kept talking and found my naked lower body as well. "If you had a sex dream, then i can tell you that it most likely wasn't a dream.". His words were buzzing in my head, almost as if I was heavily intoxicated.

"Oh.", my voice trailed off, my eyes staring ahead in slight overload but Heeseung couldn't help but chuckle at my cuteness.

"Look to the right.", he nodded towards the nightstand where a steaming glass of hot chocolate caught my eye. I couldn't hide the look of surprise on my face. That's by far the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me. "Naww, you didn't have to do that!".

"I also bought you some gummy bears.". He smiled and handed me the rustling plastic bag.

I scooted over and placed my head on his lap, my hands hugging his waist loosely. "I don't deserve you.". Heeseung brushed his fingers through my hair as I closed my eyes with a hum. I swear I could have fallen asleep again on the spot. He carefully pulled his blanked over my shoulders, so that I didn't get cold.

"What are you up to, today?", he asked. "We will do whatever you want.".

"Cuddle", I replied curtly and Hee nodded with a laugh, slipped down below the covers an well and hugged me tightly.


[ 2 days later ]

With a string of lights in one hand and my cell phone in the other, I climbed up the stepladder. It was my third attempt to attach the chain to the ceiling and I was so close to just slamming it on the floor and calling it a day. After all, it was sunghoon who had asked me to decorate the living room for his party tonight. Although you could call it decorating at all. A string of beer bottle lights hanging lonely above the balcony window. That was all he wanted. And that suited me just fine, because that's all I would have hung up for him.

Meanwhile, I was on the phone to Kathy once again, who of course wanted every single update on my relationship status.

"And then? Go on!", she wailed impatiently.

"Afterwards we took a shower..." "...and had sex again?". My friend interrupted me and finished the sentence. I couldn't hide the grin on my face. Kathy would probably have punched me if she had seen it.

"Leave me alone. I've been waiting for 19 years.". I pouted.

A laugh burst out of her. "I'm not blaming you! I'm just, who has sex again the morning after doing it the first time the night before?". I cheered inwardly when the chain was finally hanging from the ceiling and I climbed down again with relief.

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