Chapter 53: him and I

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"I swear, I don't want you to stop, but If I wake up with a hickey tomorrow, you're screwed.". I giggled with my eyes closed. But it seemed as if he deliberately overheard me and continued to leave a series of marks right below my jaw.

"Hee!", I warned him but he only broke away with a laugh. "I'm afraid you're going to have to do something about me stopping.".

Turning my head back, I grabbed his face with both of my hands, making him look at me, before I placed my lips on his. Him softly adjusting my slow movements felt like i was floating on cloud 7.  I had no idea how long it lasted, but when he shifted on my bed slightly and his cold hand made its way under my sweater, onto the skin of my waist, I lost all sense of time. Like I wouldn't want it to stop at any point. When I realized he almost made his way on top, slightly hovering over me, my fingertips brushed along his neck down to his lower back where I unpatiently tugged at the fabric of his hoodie.

Heeseung seemed to understand my intention and immediately grabbed the collar with one hand, pulling out his shirt in one motion.

Breaking the kiss for less than a second, he leaned in again, his palm enclosing my cheek with more force. I was able to feel the urgency and neediness in his action, which slowly but surely spilled over to me with every passing second. The kiss was torrid but still slowly yet passionated. The way his hand traced all over my body, down to my belly, rubbing circles on the inside of my thigh with his thumb, almost left me with a gasp.

Craving to feel him skin-to-skin, I awkwardly plucked around at my oversized hoodie. I needed to have the piece of fabric as quickly as possible from my body. He noticed me squirming around on the sheet and stopped for a second to help me pull it over my head. In halfway action, when the cool air hit my chest, I realized in shock I wore nothing else beneath this hoodie. You could tell by the pale expression on his face that Heeseung was surprised as well when he lowered the garment onto the mattress next to us.

Immediately the redness shot into my face. This short second of silence felt like an eternity. If I hadn't been squatting on the mattress, I would surely have sunk into the floor. It's so incredibly awkward. But when he leaned down and started kissing me again, my tense body loosened immediately. I bent my legs close to my body, capturing his sides in between. "You're beautiful, okay?", he whispered against my lips. "You've always been.". My heart meldet to his words and I couldn't supress a tiny smile to appear on my face, before pulling him down, closer to me, again.

The skin of our bodies embraced each other as my hands ran around his neck and caressed his broad shoulders, while falling deeper and deeper into euphoria. The room around us was gloomy, with only my little lamp on the nightstand adding a spark of light to the darkness. The blanket I had been wrapped in a few minutes ago was now hanging on the edge of the bed and was about to slide down, just as some pillows had already done.

Heeseung traced along the shape of my body, starting at the side of my rib cage, over my waist, down to my hip bone. Sucking in some air as he reached the area and his thumb fondled the light skin just above my waistband.

I knew that the same kind of thoughts were floating around in his mind as in mine. But I also knew, he would never go one step further without my permission, especially after I mentioned how much it was bothering me. But what could I say? The more he kissed all the sweet spots on my neck and then turned back to my lips, the more it tempted me to consent. What the heck was I even thinking at this point? My mind was already far beyond the limit of giving consent. The only thing my body demanded was gratification.

Just a second before I lost patience, he shifted in his postion an placed a line of soft kisses below my jaw, causing me to lean my head back into the pillow. My collarbones, my shoulders, my sternum. Nothing was left untouched and I loved it.

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