Chapter 5

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-the same night-

Tonight was amazing... after I found Kalin we talked for a while and just walked on the beach; that seems to be our thing. We really got to know each other a lot more. We just mainly told each other stuff about ourselves. It was funny because I knew most of the stuff he was telling me about himself. So it was basically him learning about me.

When I got back to the room after my walk with Kalin I knew Myles was gone from the room because the door was locked so I deided to go talk to Noelle to see how it went but as soon as I walked in our bedroom she was fast asleep. I decided to look at the time and it was 3am... Dang me and Kalin were out a while. I decide I should probably get some sleep too and I can talk to her in the morning.

-the next day-

When I wake up Noelle is already up which is strange because she never gets up before me but I did go to sleep late last night. I walk out of the room and see she's on the balcony chilling so I go out there with her to talk about last night.

"Look who's finally up!" she laughs when she says this because she has never been able to say that before.

"Shut up I got in late last night, me and Kalin talked forever."

"What time did you get in?"

"2 in the morning. I didnt even know we were out that late until i got back to the room."

"dang. Myles left when the movie ended because we were both tired. He left around 12 and I fell asleep pretty much as soon as he left."

"Did you have a good time with him? Did y'all cuddle? Do anything?"

"Jeez Morgan NO we aren't even dating. I'm not gunna do anything until he properly asks me to be his girlfriend!"

"Y'all didn't even cuddle?!?"

"okay maybe a little cuddling." we both laugh

"I knew y'all had to at least cuddle some with how much Myles loves to cuddle."

"yeah. How was your talk with Kalin?"

"It was great, he learned a lot about me. haha"

"oh okay. you didn't learn anything about him."
"most the stuff he was telling me I already knew."

"oh haha that's pretty funny"

"I'm sad this vacation is half way over."

What's gunna happen when we leave here? Are they gunna forget about us?? That can't happen! I have to see Kalin after this and Not just at concerts.

"oh my gosh you're right it is. That is sad. So much has happened in such a short time"

"I know right. How crazy is it that we both fell in love at pretty much the same time"
we are literally the same person and this just shows that's true 100%. Haha

"It's so crazy but like you've said before it couldn't be more perfect who we fell in love with and they feel the same way about us as we do them."

"I know. I think Myles is a better match for you than Jake would've been."

"I think so too now that I know Myles as a normal person now and not just as a rapper of my favorite group."

"You know I kind of forgot that they were famous. That makes me love them even more. They don't even act famous. " I say then think about it for a second and realize just how true it is. I literally forgot they were famous.

"oh my gosh that's funny but it's so true!"

"What's gunna happen when we leave here?" This is all I can think about and I feel like if I keep thinking about it i'm gunna cry. I don't wanna cry!

"I've thought about that too. They live all the way in California!" Noelle looks down now too. Jeez good job Morgan. Way to start this day.

"okay I shouldn't have brought that up. Let's eat breakfast and then go down on the beach and cheer up!"

"Sounds like a good plan to me!"

Me and Noelle Eat and then go down to the beach.

When we get on the beach the moment I see Kalin and run as fast as I can to him drop my stuff and hug him for a solid minute.

"Well hey Morgan. What's this about?"

I don't reply till like a minute later.

"I just wanted to hug you that's all. Am I not allowed to hug you?"

"You are more than welcome to hug me whenever you want Morgan that was just really random for you."

"Ok well the truth is I've just been thinking about that this week is half way over and I don't know what's gunna happen when we leave here."

Kalin looks confused. Which makes me confused kind of.

"What do you mean what's gunna happen?"

"With us Kalin. What's gunna happen to us! We live on opposite sides of the country. How is that gunna work?"

"I'll find a way to make it work. If all else fails there is Skype and phones."

"I want the real you not a digital you."

Kalin laughs at that.

"Well let's think about this later and just have a good day today.

I look over and see Noelle is with Myles now and they are both laying out in there chairs talking.

"Guys lets go get in the ocean. The waves are crazy good today!"
Kalin yells at us and starts running towards the water so we all follow.


Today was such a fun day on the beach and I feel better too that I let Kalin know how I feel about what's gunna happen. I have fallen in love with this boy and I can't lose him.
I hope everything works out.

Kalin And Myles: Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now