Chapter 19

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-almost a week after the wreck-
-Morgan's POV-
I wish I could say things have been as good as they were the day after the wreck: Kalin being all sweet and loving, which he hasn't been these last few days. Ive done nothing but do for him these last couple of days and he hasn't thanked me not once.

We are both in bed and i guess Kalin didn't know I was awake because he decides to scream,
"WAKE UP SLAVE?" I know he's not being serious but this just hit the wrong nerve and I explode.
I sit up as fast as I can
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" He immediately looks confused
"Babe I was just kidding. Chill out dang"
"Are you really gunna give me an attitude when all I've been doing for the last few days is stuff for you. And you haven't even thanked me once!"
I am so beyond pissed right now.
"Really? Do you not remember I was just in a wreck the other day."
"Are you serious? Yes I remember very well. You have a broken arm. That doesn't stop you from doing everything. I get there are some things that are harder which I have helped with. But you act like you broke your whole body or got paralyzed making me do every damn thing and you sit on your ass all day."
I see him starting to get more angry.
Bring it on Kalin.
"I could've died in that wreck Morgan and this is how you're gunna treat me"
I just get out of the bed and start walking towards the door to leave
"So you're just gunna walk out in the middle of this conversation"
"If I stay you might get hurt to where you have to stay in the bed all day so I'm leaving."
"Shit! You ain't gon do nun"
"I'd shut the fuck up if I was you Kalin. You don't wanna make me that mad."
Before he can say another I leave and shut the door.
I decide to just go to one of the other rooms. I lean against the wall and slide down to the floor.
What just happened. Just the other day me and Kalin were all lovey this?
I guess the first fight always seems like the worst.
If I hadn't left though I probably really would've hurt him. Once someone hits the wrong nerve with me they better run or I best get away from them. And with Kalin and his stupid self he would have pushed me as far as he could. I don't ever want him to see that side of me. It's a scary thing. I am such a violent person when I get really angry. I've only been pushed that far one time and I hope it's the last because I almost threw someone through a wall...not good.
After a few minutes of sitting hear cooling off I hear a knock at the door.

-Noelle's POV-
I'm woken up by yelling from the other side of the house...its Morgan. What did Kalin do?
I look over and see Myles is awake.
"They've been going at it for a good 20 minutes and it doesn't seem like it's gunna stop soon" Myles informs me...jeez.
"Good lord. Can you hear what it's about"
"No. I can't understand what's being said. I just hear yelling."
"I'm sure we will both find out later. Morgan will tell me and Kalin will tell you."
"We'll see later"
After a few minutes the yelling quits then I hear a door slam then another door slam. Morgan must have went to another room.
After about 5 minutes I decide to go see if she's ok.
"I'm gunna go check on Morgan. I'll be back."
"I'll be here. I'm just gunna leave Kalin alone for now."
I walk out and I know where she is because when she wants to be alone she always goes to room that she wants to be her first child's room. It's just where she goes to think.
I knock on the door then open it.
"Hey Morgan. You ok?"
I know she's mad because she crying but it's not just anger, I can tell she's sad too.
"I don't know. I just know I was about to kill him so I left."
"What happened?"
"He is being so unfair. He thinks I have to do everything for him because he was in a wreck. I get he could've died but he didn't. He only broke an arm. I'm done doing stuff for him. He thanked me zero times for all I've done for him. The last time he even kissed me or told me he loved me was the day after the wreck. I don't know what to do. What's happening? I thought we were gunna get married one day. If he doesn't change I may not be with him much longer."
Jeez what the fuck is Kalins problem. I walk over to her and sit with her and just hug her. I have to go talk to Myles...he needs to talk to Kalin. If I talk to Kalin he might end up dead.
"I need to go talk to Myles. I'll be right back."
She doesn't seem to care that I'm leaving. She usually likes to be alone when she's like this. She hides any kind of emotion other than being happy. That's why she goes and hides when she cries or is angry.

As soon as I walk into my room Myles is just sitting on the end of the bed still half asleep.
"You have to go talk to Kalin before I do and kill him"
"Wow! What did he do?"
"He's treating Morgan like a slave instead of a girlfriend. It's not ok. She's thinking of leaving him. He better get his shit together or he's gunna lose one hell of a girl."
"He's such a douche. What the fuck. I thought he changed. Morgan is the best that ever happened to him. I don't want him to lose her but if he keeps acting like this he doesn't deserve her. Ill be back in a little bit."

-Myles' POV-
I kind of woke up in a bad mood because I was woken up by yelling but now I know why and I'm in an even worse mood. It's Kalins fault too.
He's going back to his old ways and treating his girl shitty.
Well he choose the wrong girl to mess with. Over the past months I've gotten really close to Morgan, I'm her big brother away from home. I love Kalin to death but she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
I get to his and Morgan's room to talk to him but he's not in there...must be in the kitchen.
And of course when I walk in the kitchen there sits Kalin eating his bowl of cereal that he looks like he's enjoying. I walk over, grab the bowl and pour it down the sink. I guess you can say I'm a little upset.
"What the fuck Myles!"
"You deserved that."
"I guess you've talked to Morgan"
"Noelle did and she's pretty tore up. Mainly just pissed but now she's saying Yall aren't gunna be together much longer."
"I don't see why she's saying all this. I was just in a wreck and I thought she was enjoying doing the stuff for me."
He really is clueless right now as to why she feels this way. Did he forget that she's his girlfriend.
"Dude when is the last time you told her you loved her, or kissed her, or did something to show your love for her."
Kalin goes from having a confused look on his face to pure sadness. Maybe he finally realizes why this is happening right now.
"Oh my gosh. I'm a selfish idiot"
"I second that statement."
"Dude I screwed up bad. I don't deserve someone like her."
"At the moment you don't but you can make things better. You haven't lost her yet. You need to do something really special for her. You could have lost the girl of your dreams."
"I have to go find her and tell her how much I love her"
"I don't know if you should I think she wants to be alone right now."
"This can't wait. The love of my life is at stake here. I can't lose her."
And with that he's running up the stairs to find Morgan. I really hope everything goes well. I would hate for them to end things together. I know Kalin will find a way to win her back but with Morgan who really knows. She so unpredictable sometimes but that's what I love about her.
I decide to go back up to Noelle's room and cuddle for the day. Too much drama for me. Hopefully all will be fine soon. Let's hope it is.

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