Chapter 7

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-Morgan's POV-

I've been back home for a little over a week now and me and Kalin haven't talked has much as I have wanted to. It really sucks and I don't wanna annoy him texting and calling all the time but I miss him like crazy.
Sometimes me and Noelle will be hanging out and I see her giggling at her phone and she tells me all the cute stuff Myles says and all this stuff I don't wanna hear about. Don't get me wrong I love that everything is going great for them. I'm actually kind of ready for them to be official now. Not exactly sure why they aren't official yet but it will happen soon.
To be honest I'm jealous of Noelle at the moment because Myles is all about her and Kalin hasn't really been communicating much. This boys is so confusing but I guess I was too.
Part of me thinks that me and Kalin aren't gunna work out and maybe we're not meant to be together but another part of me says that I love him and he feels the same way he's just unsure at the moment. Maybe. I hope he feels the same way.

-the next day-
I get a phone call and and its not a number I recognize but I answer it anyways.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Heyyy!! I was hoping you would answer. Kalin gave me your number."

Oh my gosh. Why is Myles calling me.

"Ok that's fine. What do you want?"

"Are you ok? You don't sound like you're in a good mood"

I haven't been in a good mood since we left the beach.

"I'm not but I'll be fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't take my anger out on you. What's up Myles?"

"Is Kalin being a douche to you? He's been acting weird too"

He has? What's up with Kalin. He's the one ignoring me.

"Oh really. No he's not being a douche...well kind of because he is completely ignoring me"

"I'm gunna have to talk to him because while we were at the beach you were all he could talk about. We will get this worked out Morgan. Trust me. I know my boy Kalin better than anybody."

"Thank you Myles. Now what was this call originally for before we got side tracked. "

"Ok yes my plan. I wanna surprise Noelle and come to Georgia tomorrow. I'm gunna finally ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Oh my gosh Myles. Finally! It's about dang time. She's gunna flip. I'm so excited about this. You just put me in a better mood."

In this moment Kalin didn't even exist. If he's just gunna ignore me why should I even try.

"So you think it's a good idea? I had to run it by you first. Wanted to make sure you knew I was coming. Can you pick me up from the airport?"

"Of course I can when are you getting here?"

"Around noon your time."

"Dang Myles. Make sure you get some sleep. That's earlier for you over there on the west coast"

"Oh trust me I know. But it will all be worth it."

"I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow."

After we hang up I'm am just so excited. I'm glad I'm not with Noelle tonight. How would I keep this from her.

A few hours after the phone call of course my mind goes straight to Kalin. Why can't he surprise me? Myles is such a good guy. Noelle is so lucky.

I miss Kalin. These feelings aren't going away but I feel like he is. 😭

-Kalin's POV-
I haven't had a full conversation with Morgan since the day after we left the beach...why? Bc I am horrible but great at the same time. She will find out soon enough.
Hopefully I'll be able to go to Georgia maybe next week. I miss her.
I figured not talking to her would make whenever we see each other again that much better.
Gosh I wanna see her right now.
I have to go to Georgia soon.

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