Chapter 18

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Oh my god! No! Kalin can't die!
"OH MY GOD!! NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I'm freaking out
"We were driving back from the studio and some idiot ran into the driver side of the car. That's the only reason I'm ok."
"Well I'm glad you're ok but you called 911 right?"
"Of course. They are actually pulling up now. Yall need to hurry and get here. We're not far."
Myles tells me the address and I grab my keys and tell Noelle what's going on and we speed all the way there.

As soon as we pull up I see Kalin in the ambulance awake and breathing...I take a deep breath, he's not dead!
I run into the ambulance
"Kalin I thought I was gunna lose you."
I give him the softest kiss ever because I don't wanna hurt him anymore than he is.
"Did you break anything?"
"My right arm and I got cut really bad on the other arm. That's why there was so much blood. I got lucky because the guy hit is pretty hard. He was texting and wasn't paying attention. They already took him to jail."
"Stupid idiots texting and driving. I'm just glad you're alive."
"I love you so much Morgan. When I woke up all I wanted was to get to you and let you know I was ok and how much I love you. I was so scared. Myles kept me as calm as possible tho."
"You have no idea how much I care about you Kalin. I almost died worrying. I'm just really glad both of you are ok."
The EMT comes over and tells us they have to take him to the hospital for surgery so I ride with him there. Noelle and Myles meet us there in the room they give Kalin.
As soon as we get they take him straight back to surgery to close up the cut and fix his arm and put it in a cast.

"I've never cried so much in my life,"
Myles is the first one to talk and my heart sinks.
Me and Noelle both hug him tight.
"I thought I'd lost him. I don't know what would happen if he had died."
Myles continues
"I know but you both are alive. Kalins arms will heal in no time and it will be like this never even happened"
I say trying to cheer him up. I would think I'd be more torn up than this but knowing his arms are the only thing hurt makes me happy. He's still alive and that's all that matters.
"I know. Just seeing him sitting there not breathing and there was nothing I could do but wait was terrible."

We just sit there and wait after that conversation. Finally after a few hours Kalin is brought back.
The doctor comes over to me and tells me that Kalins arms are gunna heal fast. They didn't get as damaged as they first thought which is a relief.

-Myles POV-
Me and Kalin got in a wreck today but we're okay. Both of us could have been killed especially Kalin because his side of the car got hit. The only thing is his arms got jacked up. The doctor said they would heal fast but I'm just still in shock from the whole thing.
I saw my best friend sit beside me lifeless. There was nothing I could do but call 911 and wait.
I've never been so scared in my life.
When Kalin finally woke up and was conscious I had a ton of relief run through me. I knew I wasn't gunna lose him.
I would've been the one that would've had to tell Morgan and I don't know if I would've been able to do that.
The doctor proceeds to tell us Kalin will be able to leave tomorrow but he will have the cast on for a couple months.
It's such a relief knowing Kalin is gunna be ok.
He's changed so much since he met Morgan. He used to not care about anyone's feelings but something about Morgan just made him wanna change and I love her for that. Those two were made for each other and I know they will get married. Also if it wasn't for Morgan I wouldn't have met my lovely girlfriend Noelle and I would be nothing without her. Me and Kalin got lucky with these girls. We both at the same time found our future wives. It's crazy to think about how much has happened in such a little amount of time.
To lighten the mood I bring up the song we made today.
"I think this is our best song yet. The fans are gunna love it!" Kalin says after I bring it up.
Noelle is smiling from ear to ear, "when do me and Morgan get to hear it?"
"Well I have it right hear on my phone." I say making both the girls get really excited.
As soon as it starts Morgan says, "oh my gosh I love it already"
Haha she has barely heard any of it.
After we finish listening to it,
"Myles you sounded so great. That was amazing." Morgan says and Kalin looks at her not liking that she didn't acknowledge him in the song.
"What about me babe?" Haha this is killing Kalin.
"Babe you sounded flawless. You know your voice makes me feel some type of way." Kalin immediately smiles and kisses her.
"Good. You had me worried for a second"

-the next day- -Kalins POV-
Yesterday was a scary day.
Me and Myles were on our way back from the studio then the next thing I remember is waking up in an ambulance. After I woke up the EMT andMyles told me what happened. I could have died yesterday but here I am back at home laying beside my beautiful girl with just a broken arm and stitches on the other arm. I am one lucky guy.
"How do you feel babe?" I didn't even realize Morgan was awake.
"I feel extremely lucky to be alive and laying here with you right now."
"I'm happy you're ok and happy. No place I'd rather be than with you."
I give her a sweet kiss and we just cuddle for the rest of the day. Exactly what I needed after yesterday. Just a day of resting with my girl.

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