Chapter 16

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-Morgan's POV-
So after Noelle got settled in with her stuff her and Myles went out somewhere and Kalin took me to my room because he needed to talk to me. I've never been so scared in my life. All sorts of things are running through my head: he's he gunna leave me, am I rushing things. He always tells me he loves me is he lying? I'm so scared of what this talk is about. I may cry but I'm gunna hold it in.
When we get in the room we sit on the bed for a good minute just looking at each other before Kalin says anything.
"I really love you Morgan. So much."
Oh my gosh. I just know he's gunna say but...
"Kalin just get it over with. If you're gunna break up with me just do it!"
Immediately after I said that he pulled me into the tightest hug and I just let out all the tears.
"Morgan I'm not leaving you. I couldn't live without you. I was scared you were gunna leave me. I'm not used to romance and love. It's new too me. No girl has ever loved me for anything but my body and I was scared I was gunna screw up and you leave me."
"Kalin you had me having a heart attack over thinking you were leaving me. And I could never leave you either! You're my everything. We've been together for such a short amount of time but I feel like we've known each other our whole lives. And I feel like I wanna spend the rest of mine with you. I want you and only you!"
"I'm not going anywhere Morgan. I promise."
We both lay down and just cuddle. We eventually drift off into a deep sleep together.
So many different emotions have been had these past couple of days.

-Kalin's POV-
When I wake up from that amazing nap I notice that Morgan is still sleeping so I lay there and just watch her for a while. She is so beautiful. I don't tell her enough.
She finally opens up her eyes and smiles when she sees I'm looking at her. We just stare at each other for a while until I have a great plan since there's still time in the day left.
"You wanna meet my family?"
She sounds so excited which makes me happy.
"My mom doesn't even know you're here but I've talked about you non stop to her. She's gunna be so excited."
"I can't wait to see Lala too."
"Oh my gosh Lala is gunna love you babe."
We both get ready and head over to my moms house and I just walk in because it's my house.
"Mom come down stairs!"
As soon as she gets down stairs she runs straight to Morgan.
"Oh my gosh. When did you get here. You are even prettier in person. I'm so happy to finally meet you."
My mom is so excited.
"I've been wanting to meet you for a while but I never had the chance to come here till recently."
Morgan seems just as excited as my mom.
"So how long are you here for?"
"I bought a house not too far from here. So I'm living here now."
"Oh my gosh. That's so exciting. I'm ready for Kalin to give me some grand babies."
"Mom! Slow down. She just got here."
Jeez. We haven't been together long enough to have a child.
"I'm sorry I'm just too excited."
"I know. Let's eat some dinner. I'm starving."
"When are you not though?"
Morgan knows me too well.

We have dinner and just talk about life and the future and how I'm gunna be living with Morgan now and my mom is way beyond down for that. She is ready for me to be a dad. I can't lie I'm ready too but I wanna wait till we get married to have kids....I can't wait to marry her one day.

-Morgan's POV-
So we just got back from meeting Kalins family and it's midnight and I'm exhausted. His mom and Lala were so amazing and sweet. I can't wait to spend more time with them but for now I wanna cuddle with Kalin and go to sleep.
We get in the bed and just cuddle for what seems like hours and I can't go to sleep.
"Are you asleep K?"
"Nope. But I got an idea for something that can pass the time and make up both tired."
"I'm down"

We go for a solid 45 minutes then we just lay there and right when I'm about to fall asleep I get a text from Noelle that says 'is everything ok in there? Sounded like the house was falling apart.😂' I show Kalin and we both just die laughing I text her back 'oh hush. I'm going to sleep'
She doesn't reply and after that I fall to sleep with no problems. I can't wait to explore my new city with Kalin, Noelle, and Myles. This is the beginning to an amazing journey.

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