Chapter 6

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-last day at the beach-

Me and Kalin have talked about what's gunna happen after we leave here since the first time I brought it up a few days ago and we both decided that we'd just go home for a few weeks to see if the feelings still stand and if we still feel the same way about each other.

-Kalins POV-
So this Morgan girl...I think I'm in love with her. Throughout this whole week,everyday I fall in love with her a little more.

I think my boy Myles may have a thing for her friend Noelle too, I think they'd be cute together. She seems real sweet and Myles likes sweet. 😉

We both decided we'd just go home for a few weeks to see if we feel the same but I already know I will, I'm just hoping she does too.

Today is our last day here but we only have a little over an hour left before her family leaves which means she's leaving too. 😭

"Morgan! Come here!" Their car is all loaded and I see her just standing on the balcony just taking in the beach one last time.
"What's up Kalin?"
I have a great idea.
"Wanna go on the beach with me real quick. One last time. "
"That sounds amazing"

We walk down to the beach.
I wanna talk her into going back home with me for a little while but I don't think she will.

"So I've been thinking a whole lot about us and I really don't want you to go!!" The look she gives me makes me question if she really likes me or not.
This whole week she's led me on thinking she likes me and now she's gunna give me this.
"I've been thinking about us too and I have to go!"
"You don't have too! You could come back to the Bay with me."
By the look on her face I know there is no changing her mind.
"I would love to Kalin. But I can't. I have things I have to do at home. We'll see each other in a few weeks."
I feel like I'm saying goodbye forever.
"Why does it feel like you're telling me goodbye?"
"Because I'm leaving."
"Well I'm gunna miss you like crazy Morgan. I love you." I whisper that last part.
"What?!" She looks like I just called her something terrible.
"I just said I'm gunna miss you like crazy."
"Oh ok. I could've sworn I heard you say something after that."
"Well unfortunately it looks like your family is loading up and about to head home. I guess I'll see you in a few weeks."
"Bye Kalin."

Well here comes the worse few weeks of my life.

-Morgan's POV-
Hold up wait a minute did Kalin just say he loved me. I don't know what to think about this. We've talked about our feelings before but neither of us have actually said those 3 words. Until now. HE JUST SAID THAT TO ME! But then he denied that he said anything after what he said before he said what he said.
My brain is so screwed up and doesn't know what to think. I can't think straight. Let alone talk. Lol
This feeling I have for Kalin is strange. I've never loved someone like I love him. Which is new to me. I've never had a boyfriend. I'm not getting my hopes up for anything. Yes he did just kind of confess his love for me but those feelings could change with him going home.
He offered for me to come home with him but I can't. I miss home. And I'll see him soon.
Does Kalin White really love me?

-Noelle's POV-
I'm so glad I got to come on this trip with my cousin/bestie Morgan.
I found my soulmate in just one week. It's not official but me and Myles are gunna be together and get married one day. He just hasn't fully caught on to that yet but he will.

I'm so excited for Morgan. She's finally found a boy worth her time. She's never really had a boyfriend but she has talked to guys before. All douches but Kalin is good for her. He's what she needs for a first boyfriend. He's fun, outgoing, and very energetic. Things she needs to have in a relationship bc she is all those things but outgoing. She's a bit more on the shy side. I know one day they will make the cutest babies.
Me and Myles will also make cute babies.

-Myles' POV-
So when we first got here Morgan was all about me and to be honest if she was a little bit older I might have gave her a chance, don't get me wrong she's a beautiful girl, but she's more of a Kalin girl and she's closer to his age.
Now that girl Noelle...she's perfect. She's my age. Everything I wanted in a girl.
I'm glad Morgan is the way she is because Kalin loves her every since the first time he saw her which made him want to stay where she was when we were in Georgia. Because of Morgan I met Noelle so I need to thank her for that one day.

It's crazy but I've already been thinking of spending my life with Noelle. I really love her that much.
I love her so much sometimes I don't function right. Without her I may die.

What am I talking about? I would die!

We're not even together and this is how I feel about her.

-Morgan's POV-
The whole ride home me and Noelle just talk about the boys and pretty much how we want life to go with them.
She freaked out when I told her that Kalin Kind of said he loved me.
Gosh we are some lucky girls!

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