Chapter 13

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-last day of Kalin and Myles being in Georgia-
-Kalin's POV-
I wish Morgan could come home with me. I'm gunna miss her so much.
This is my best relationship so far. It's the slowest I've ever gone with a girl. I'm a very sexual person but I just wanna take it slow with her. I wanna take care of her and not scare her off although she seems like she's a freak but is just hiding it. It comes out slightly sometimes. I hope she's a freak anyways. I know she likes baby making kind of music so she has to be some what freaky...right?

Me and Myles' flight is in 6 hours which is 4pm here.

In the middle of my thoughts im caught off guard when Morgan walks up to me and just slams her face into mine and kisses me. In this moment all I feel is passion and love. I know I'm kissing my future wife. Morgan is the most amazing girl I have met in my life.
It's funny because I've always wanted to date a fan but with her it's like she's not a fan. She's not crazy like the other girls. Well she's crazy but in a great way. Some of the KAMFAM are just way too wild for what I would want in a girl. But I found the girl I wanna marry from the KAMFAM.

When she ends the kiss I put on my pouty face.
"Why did you stop I was enjoying that too much!"
"You're such a baby. I'm gunna miss my baby."
"Not as much as I'm gunna miss you!" She laughs when I say that because I baby talk it.
"You're so cute! What am I gunna do without you?"
"We're gunna have to stay on the phone and Skype all the time or I might not live."
"I wish there was a way we could be together all the time." She needs to move to California or I need to move here. Or to be honest I don't care where we are I just want us to be together.
"We will find a way for that to happen sooner than later" I am going to find a way for us to be together.
"Are you all packed yet? You got five hours till the plane takes off" she looks so sad. I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave with her like this. I can't be the cause of her sadness.
Half the reason she's so upset is I didn't get to meet her brother Ryan. From the way she talks he seems pretty cool. She told me he loves my shoe collection. I know when I meet him we will click.

-4 hours later- -Myles' POV-
Only one hour left with my girl before I go home. I'm gunna make the goodbye short and sweet so we don't get to attached in the moment and I stay. I miss home but I think I'm gunna miss Noelle more. I may come back soon.
These last few hours all four of us have been packing me and Kalins stuff up and just talking.
It's a sad day for everyone.

-at the airport Morgan's POV-
So only a few minutes left with Kalin and I'm crying...
He's in front of my and were walking so I speed up and grab his hand and lean my head on his shoulder.
"Hey. Are you crying? Don't cry! You'll see me in no time. This isn't goodbye. This is just see you later."
I smile a little bit but the tears won't stop.
"I know I'm just sad you're gunna be so far away. "
"I'll call you as soon as I land and then when I get home we can skype."
"Ok. That sounds good. Have a safe flight. I love you Kalin."
"I love you too Morgan. More than you'll ever know." He kisses me and grabs his bags and gets on the plane. Shortly after Myles has said his "see ha later" he gets on the plane.

They're gone...

"What do we do now?"
As soon as they both get on the plane I just sit down on the floor and just cry. I'm not crying hard, I'm just really sad and tears are coming out.
"I'm not sure but I don't wanna be sad the whole time they aren't here tho. We need to occupy all time that we aren't talking to them with nothing but fun"
"Good idea. But today there's no getting around being sad."
"Yeah. I just wanna go home and lay in bed till Kalin calls me."
"I feel you. I'll text you or something."
We drove different cars so we would have more alone time with our boys.
"Ok. Talk to you later."
The whole way home is just silence in my car because I know the only music in my car is KAM and I really don't wanna think about Kalin more than I already am.

A few hours past and I finally get a call from Kalin.
"Hey babe. We just got off the plane. I miss you like crazy already."
Oh my gosh. That's the first time he's called me that. I'm liking it.
"Ahh it's good to hear your voice. I missed you as soon as you walked on that plane."
"Well as soon as I get home I'll skype you I just wanted to let you know I got here safe."
"Well thank you for that. I love you"
"Love you too babe."
I could get used to him calling me that.
"I guess I'll see you kind of in a lil bit."
"Haha yeah. Bye."
We both hang up. I just sit there on my laptop with my skype app open waiting.
Like ten minutes past and I get a skype call. Dang he got home fast.
"I'm home."
"You got home fast...and you're not wearing a shirt!"
I really didn't mean to say that last part out loud but Jesus lord that boy has a nice body.
"Oh you like that huh. I wish you didn't have any clothes on." He smirks at me. This boy isn't gunna stop. He's not pushing me to do anything but he's making it hard to wait.
"Shhhh or I might just have to get on a plane and come pay you a visit."
I don't think he was expecting me to go along with it.
"I wouldn't mind that right about now."
"Kalin. Are you wearing any clothes right now?" He smiles and I immediately know the answer.
"Nope and there's not a thing you can do about."
"Maybe I don't wanna do anything about it."
"Woman you are making this waiting thing really hard!"
"You're not making it easy. You're always doing stuff like this and it's hard for me to wait too. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to wait."
"Morgan were not doing anything until you're ready."
"I know. Trust me I won't let you do anything that I'm not ready for. But I'm also saying that I feel like I'm not gunna care about waiting and just do it because you're hard to resist."
"Back at you."
I can't believe I'm gunna end this call but I'm exhausted and I know he is too.
"Look Kalin I'm super tired and I know you are too so let's both get off here and get some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you."
"Love you too"

Short but successful skype call. I don't know how long it will be till we see each other again but I hope it's not too long.

Kalin And Myles: Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now