𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 7 )

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After we talked I left his condo right away, I'm willing to wait for him to opened up again, I know he need a time alone for himself, Khim was right he need this to heal the wounds that we cause.

What did he say? Sunny says, "She's with me right now after I told her everything."

He needs time for himself, sunn. I understand him. After all, I hurt him, I always remember that night, The night he begged me to stay the day I left him; I told her.

You're too foolish Dale, If I had know that you love him that dearly before, I shouldn't agree on this marriage, I'm happy with my boyfriend but you, You cause him alot of pain dale; I nodded and deep signed. I always remember that night the night he begged for me to stay.

(★ PAST/ The break-up ★)

I stared into his eyes. My heartbeat was running wild, and I could barely breathe, There was a dark part of me that wanted to risk one more time.

I-I “Can't” I said and turned around my back, I can't let him get hurt again because of me no matter what I do, I can't keep him beside me. I was supposed to leave, but he wrapped his hands around me, I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I wanted to touch him badly but I can't hurt him again, As long as I can, I have to let go of him, I was about to get married and there's nothing I can do to avoid it my family needs me, I can't be selfish now.

I'm sorry, Kale, for hurting you like this, I swear hurting you wasn't my option; I says.

Why? Why dale? Why is it so easy for you to leave me, Why is it so easy for you to choose her over me, I can help you, I can do what she can do but why don't you want me to do that instead; He says.

Kale! There are things that we can't do. There are things that are against our decisions, but I want you to know that I love you so much.

You love me? Or you just love me because you need me.

Kale, Please don't ever think about that, I love you because I love you.

If so, explain to me, Dale. Why? Why it has to reach a point like this, It's so easy for you to break up with me, Why dale? Why?

I can't explain it to you right now, but let me fix everything, I will explain everything to you, Please wait for me, Kale.

I can't stop you from leaving, can't I?

I'm sorry, Kale, You know I love you so much, right? But now I want to be a good son to my family mom needs me right now, She wasn't going to asked my help if she can handle the situation, Please Kale, wait for me and I will explain everything to you.

Since I can't stop you from leaving let's break-up then, I understand that you have your responsibility to your family like I was, But, I hope when a day comes I can decide as fast as you do, If you ever thought of coming back I'm willing to take you in again, But, I'm hopping It won't be too late when that day comes you know me dale, I get tired easily I lose hope quickly you may go now.

Kale; I say, His tears did not stop flowing as he let go of my hand.

From now on your no longer mine, and I'm no longer yours, I hope you stay happy be happy wherever you go, spending my years with you was my greatest gift; He says, I wipe my tears and tried to hold my sobbing. Nothing will hurt more than what we feel now, but I know it hurts more on his part.

Don't remove the smile from your lips, Always remember that you are the only man I love, Please kale, wait for me, let me fix everything and I will come to you; I said, He wiped his tears and nodded.

Through all those times, I felt a happiness with you, I know that you felt that happiness too, Dale It's not that I didn't know, What you felt in your heart 'Cuz I felt it too, I know how heavy our responsibility to our families. Letting go, letting you leave it all behind, is something I'll never
Get used to it, and it hurts to know
That you may never look my way again, But like what I always says, I'll tried to wait and hold even though I don't know what to expect especially your getting engaged or marriage; He says, I hugged him and my sobbing became louder and he is too. If I had a choice, I won't end our relationship like this, I can't bear to see him crying because of me, I can't bear to live every day without him in my life.

I'm so-sorry Kale, I'm so-sorry for hurting you like this, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier than this, I'm sorry if I become selfish, I'm really sorry; I says while hugging him, We both sobbing.

Since you decided to walk out this door, I won't question your choice anymore, But, please dale, Don't ever look my way again, I might not be able to let you go, I'll try to hold my tears with a smile hoping that it could last me a while; He pushed me and I wipes his tears.

I'm sorry Kale, I'm sorry for doing this, I know my sorry wasn't enough to pay the pain I caused you, I'm sorry; I says, He smiled a little while his tears flow's like a river, My heart was so heavy seeing how he cried because of me, It was like a knife piercing my heart because of his tears, I let him cried because of me. The person I love the most was now crying because of me, I'm a jerk, a bastard, and I don't deserve him.

Go now, Dale, Please; I hugged him again for the last time, He reminded his smiling face while tears fell from his eyes. Goodbye Kale, I closed my eyes and let the tears fall, I don't know when I can come back here in Thailand after this, But, I hope to see you again Kale, I turned my back and never looked back If I look at him I might not leave his side anymore.

I regretted all my decisions. It led him to suffer all of this.  If I had known, I shouldn't hurt him intentionally in the first place.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now