𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 8 )

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I'm here at the school with Nat, Net wasn't with us yet since it was still too early. I told him that Me and Tutor haven't talked about us after the gym talk.

You have to clear this Kale, especially now that Jizel was now studying here too; He says, I look at him seriously.

I know, I'll find time to talk to him; I say.

Aren't you hurt? He asked me, I smiled sadly at him.

I am, but it's not all his fault nat, I have my faults too, If I had given all his need he wouldn't cheated on me; He shook his head.

It's not your fault, Kale. Your honesty on him while you two are together. it's his fault for not being contented; He says angrily, and I smiled and patted his shoulder.

Nat, his still your friend; I says, He make face and make me smile.

But still, I just can't believe it, I thought he loves you very much; Nat says.

Maybe we weren't really meant to be together, Let's just accept that fact, I just want him to be happy that's all; I said to Nat, Not matter what I do, I can't change this thing back.

“ I didn't know that you've believe on that words. ” I raised my eyebrows to him.

But seriously, are you really okay, Kale?  He says, and I just smiled.

I am Nat, You don't have to worry about me; I said to him.

Not to worry? We know you kale, and We all know that you're hiding your pain just so we don't have to worry; Net said.

I'm really okay. Net; I told him, he patted my shoulder and we went inside the classroom together.

Kale, we're always here when you need someone to talk to; I nod my head, and we all sit down to our respective seats. I saw Dale looking at us when we arrived, He's early too.

Dale was looking at you! I look at Nat and raise eyebrows on him, I simply look at Dale's direction, He is now looking at his book.

Kale..... Kale We need your help; I look in front of us when someone calls my name and I saw that it was one of our classmates.

Yes! What Can I help you? I asked him, He was panicked while looking at me.

"Tutor....... had a fight with the senior outside the gate......" I stood up because of what he said.

What? I shouted and followed him, I heard Nat and Net's voice, but I ignored them and ran outside where our classmate ran.

Tor stop, what the hell; I heard Jizel's scream not far away, She tried to pull tutor away from the two seniors.

You are a shameless person, You have no right to dream of something like him, Even you are my seniors, You have no right to have Kale; Tutor shouted angrily and tried to break free from Jiz's grip. They fought just because of me?

Does anyone have the right to love him? As far as I remember, you left him because of a woman, right? So what right do you have to say those words to me; The senior shouted back to him. Tutor keeps trying to break free from Jiz Grip.

How dare you....!!! Tutor shouted angrily.

Tor, stop it... Can you both stop it...!!! Jizel shouted and let go of tutor's hand, Jiz didn't even finish speaking, When the tutor immediately punched the senior so I quickly approached them.

Stop it, please! You two stop now; I screamed and grabbed tutor by his arm, He looked at me, His face was bruised and so was the senior, I saw that our other classmates came Dale and Sunny were there too who were now looking at us .

It's all your fault, They're fighting because of you, There's nothing special about you? Jiz shouted at me, I ignored her and just looked at the tutor's face.

I'm sorry for the trouble senior, Please It's too early to have a scene like this; I say and look at the senior.

You don't have to defend him kale because he doesn't deserve that, He hurt you; I smiled a little and looked at the tutor.

Whatever the problem is between the two of us, We can fix it on our own, I'm sorry for this mess again, seniors; I say.

Kale; I saw Nat came to my side with Net, who was now looking at tutor.

If I wasn't kale who apologized, I'll really punch you to death; I stopped tutor's hand when he moved, I bowed a little to the senior, and they started walking away.

“ Kale!” I look at tutor and Jiz.

Let's talk; I said and started to walk while grabbing his arm, I heard Jiz's shout, but I ignored her and pulled Tutor towards the gym.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I involved you in the trouble today; He said I looked at his face, and it was all bruised.

Next time, don't fight the seniors because of me; I told him.

Kale; I smiled a little at him.

Actually tutor I still can't accept what is happening right now, If we were like before I would be happy because of your action now, but what is happening right now is different from what we have before, You have no obligation on me anymore, Because we are no longer together; I told him.

Is there really no chance to fix our relationship, Kale? Believe me, I did not like all of this; He said to me, I turned my back on him and faced the wall that was full of beautiful paintings that we made ourselves.

Whether you wanted it or not, everything has happened already, We can't get back what we have Tor, You will have a child soon and I don't want to be the reason for the child to grow up without a father; I told him and faced him.

Please, kale, let me fix this, Please; I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.

Don't be a selfish person Tor, The child need you, Jiz need you, They need you more than I need you,  Please let me go, because that's the best thing for both of us, Don't make me feel bad about myself anymore, Sometimes I thought if Should I blame myself for not giving my all to our relationship and live with this regret? If I could only do it all again, I would still choose to love you Tutor, Loving you was a wonderful thing I did, If I could turn back time, I want to stop the time, when I was yours and you were still MINE, but I know we can turn back time, We can't change the thing that happened already, don't blame yourself for everything because I have my faults too; I says to him.

Is it because of him that's why you can't give your all trust to me? I was surprised by his question.

What? I asked, There is something else with him, and I can't see the tutor that I always accompany.

Dale, is he the person you first loved? He asked, I was surprised, but I kept looking at him.

Don't involve other people in our conversation, I give all my trust on you tor, Believe it or not I trusted you with all my hurt, I'm leaving, Don't fight with others because of me, I don't deserve it, I hope you'll be a good father to your future child; I said and started walking away from him.

If I didn't make a mistake and cheat on you, can we really keep our lifelong promise, Kale?  I stopped at what he said and smiled a little, I didn't face him anymore.

Maybe, If we had been honest from the beginning it might not have come to this, We are both guilty, The only difference is that I didn't cheat like you, I loved you tutor, I loved you truly, Everything I did and showed was true; I said and continued walking away from him, Everything I did was true, All my love for you is true tutor, It's like we were brought together to teach each other a lesson, We were brought together and I thought we were destined for each other but we weren't, Even so, I'm still very grateful because I met you, You helped me, You helped me build myself when I was in pain, That's why, I can't blame you for what happened to both of us. I just hope we didn't hurt each other that much. I'm letting you go, not because I don't love you anymore, I'm letting you go because that's what's needed.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now