𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 11 )

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I'll been frowning since awhile ago, I thought that khim would only mess up my day in school but I was wrong because she came to my house at night and played with my Idol albums and posters.

You were frowning since earlier. Are you okay? Nat asked me.

How can I be okay Nat, that poster is so expensive, That is V's most expensive poster; I said and pouted at him.

What happened? He asked, I took a deep breath and looked at Dale behind when I heard his soft laugh.

What are you laughing at? Both of you are annoying; I said and rolled my eyes at him.

I'm not to blame for what happened to your poster. It was khim who did it; He said, "I just ignored him and looked back at Nat."

You and Dale are close, Why did you look like strangers when we first saw them? Net asked, I looked at him for a moment, and the tutor and Jiz were behind us since the arrangements of the seats had changed.

Just for fun; I answered Net.

You're weird, Kale; He said, "I just bowed down because I was still depressed because of what happened to my poster."

Do you want me to buy you a new one like that? Dale said, He was by my side while Sunny was on the other side of him who's now smiling at us.

Don't you know that the poster is limited, That girl should be banned from my house; He laughed, so I kicked his foot, During these two days, the tutor almost never entered my mind. I think this was the best, I don't want to cry and get hurt every time I see the two of them.

Tutor, let go of that; I heard Jiz say behind us, I just ignored it and took out my phone.

Kale, Are you coming with us tomorrow? Net and I will go to the temple; Nat told me.

I put down the phone and nodded to him.

Alright, Khim and I don't have anything else to do, just the three of us? I asked Nat, He looked at the tutor behind us.

Just the three of us; He said, "I just nodded, I know our situation is awkward right now, but I don't think too much about it."

You can go with them, Dale. I have a playdate with you know; Sunny say's, I look at them and Dale was looking at me too.

it's okay with them, "Dale said while looking at me, I didn't answer and just looked at Nat, He smiled strangely, so I shook my head.

Of course you're Kale's friend, so there's no problem, "Nat answered.

Can I pick you up? Dale asked, so I looked at him, I was about to answer, but there was a crash behind us, I just saw Tutor leave and exit the classroom, and Jiz immediately followed him.

( Tutor Pov )

I was raging in anger since earlier in the classroom, How can they just talk to each other like that as if nothing happened.

Can you stop it already, He already moved on from you, so you should do the same, We are now having a child, so can you just think about me? "Jiz shouted at me.

It's all your fault, If you hadn't come, if you hadn't come to our school, Kale and I wouldn't have been broke up It's all your fault; I yelled at her angrily, It was all her fault that Kale and I broke up.

Okay, it's all my fault, Blame me until you get fed up, Do you think it's all my fault? It's your fault that my life become miserable, If you didn't pregnant me I should be in America right now with the person I love; She shouted back at me, I couldn't control my anger so I pulled her arm and held it tightly.

I don't care wherever you go, Get out of my life; I push her a little and walk outside this fucking university. I can't let them be happy, He's mine, Mine alone.

I will do everything so that he will never be yours again remember that tutor, I will destroy your life just like how you destroyed my life; I heard Jiz scream but I just ignore her and left the university. It's all her fault, If she didn't mess us up my life I should still be with Kale until now, I should be the one by his side and not that man.

( Jizel Pov )

Know you now, the feeling of being ignored; I turned around when someone spoke there.

What are you doing here? As far as I remember, this is chulangkorn University and not Bangkok; I told her.

There's nothing that says I'm not allowed here, and I'll be here for as long as I want. Does it hurt to get ignored, Jizel kang? She said again, I rolled my eyes and looked at her badly.

I don't need your lesson, Khim; I said and walked to the cafeteria you read correctly, khim is here.

I'm pity you Jiz, You ruined everything just to get him, The funny thing is that he can't love you even though you two will have a child soon, You hurt my friend just because of someone who can't love you back; She said I was so angry when I face her.

You have no right to judge me, You know nothing of the truth; I shouted at her, Who is she to tell me those words.

Truth? She shook her head while looking at my belly and spoke again.

I've seen enough, Isn't what you're bringing evidence of your flirting with my friend's x boyfriend? She said to me I was about to slap her, but I heard Kale's voice behind us.

Khim; We turned around, and immediately, Kale came to khim and pulled her away from me.

What are you doing here? Kale asked her. "I'm just looking at Khim angrily."

Nothing, I don't have class, so I came here. Are you guys done? She asked Kale and Dale.

Yeah, let's go, "Dale says, Kale looks at me and nods his head.

Next time you do something to hurt my friend, I won't slide it anymore even though you're my friend before; Khim said last before Kale finally pulled her away.

Can you at least for one day not look for any trouble; Kale preached to Khim as they walked out.

Don't be angry, I still love you; She said to kale and they disappeared from my sight. Did she think it was my intention? I took a deep breath and left the place completely.

They didn't know the true personality of the tutor. If I could turn back time, I chose not to know that man. I'll choose to avoid him no matter what.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now