𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 3 )

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Come on, Dale, we're going to be late, " I yelled at him because he was walking so slow, we're already late.

Kale, take it easy, there might be a car; He shouted and chased me, I'm the one who doesn't want to be late so I rush to get to school.

Hurry up, Dale. Khim has been waiting at us for a while ago! I said while pouting. He just shook his head and ran towards me.

Yes, Mr. Kale Chawarin; He teased me, I held his hands, and we went inside together.

I have been waiting for both of you since a while ago; Khim said when she saw Dale and me.

Blame him, Khim. I said earlier that we were late; I said and pointed to Dale, khim just shook her head, and the three of us went inside together.

(★Present Time★)

Kale, where is Tutor? I looked at Net when he asked.

I don't know, He said he was on the way earlier; He nodded, I just sat down and opened the book to read. I saw Dale enter the classroom with his friends. He was happy talking to them.

Kale, are you coming with us this week? Nat asked me.

Where? I asked him back.

Net and I planned to visit the temple, "he says.

Do you remember khim? She is inviting me to her parents' party so I think I'm not available that day; I said.

It's okay, let's go again next time; He said I nodded, I can feel Dale's gaze. I put my head on the table while listening to their conversation.

Let's grab a drink tonight. wanna come, Kale? Nat asked me.

Don't blame me if we got late on the next day beside asked tutor if he will go, I don't have any plans tonight so maybe I'll come; I say, they both smirked at me.

Stopped that gaze Net you're too creepy; I said, He smiled and turned his gaze back to Nat, I opened my phone waiting for tutor's message, He said he's on his way here, It's been 30 minutes passed already.

(★ DALE POV ★)

Why don't you go say hi to him; I elbowed sunny when she suddenly wispier in my ears.

That's surprised me, sun, don't do that again; She just shrugged her shoulder and looked at Kale in front of us. If you all wonder what my relationship with kale is, kale is........ Secret first, anyway, he put his head on the table while holding his phone.

Sunny!! I say, she looked at me while holding my arm.

His boyfriend is not here. This is your chance; I shook my head at her idea, and I have to respect him like he respects me.

Stop it, sun, that won't do; She frowned and sat properly in her chair.

Come with us tonight, let's go visit the bar, Max invited us; She said, I looked at Max, and he just nodded.

What time? I asked her while my eyes were still on Kale.

Around 9pm will do; I nodded and I took out my phone, I opened my fb account to see what was posted on his account, my smile disappeared when I saw almost a picture of him and tutor was on his account, I scrolled down until I saw his recent post.

Something is bothering me, but I don't know why! He said, "I read some comments from Nat and Net."


𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now