𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 4 )

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Today was our first year anniversary. This day was supposed to be the best day for us, but I was surprised by the announcement that I heard from my mom.

Dale, you have to marry Sunny, our company is losing money, your uncle wants you to marry Sunny; Mom said, I was deaf to what she said.

But mom; I protest, I love someone else's and sunny is my friend.

Dale son, this is the only way to save our company, I really need your help right now; Mom was pleading at me, I don't know how to answer her, I can't hurt him, he is the only one I love but mom was never asked for help if she can handle it, I closed my eyes and let the tear's fall.

Let me be with the person I love first, don't announce it yet to everyone; I said, mom happily held my hand and nodded, I left the house with a heavy heart, today is our anniversary, what do I tell him, how do I tell him that I am marrying my friend for business.


Today was Friday, like what Khim says I'm going to her parents' birthday party, since high school Khim and I have been friends even though we don't go to the same university, we still see each other every week. Khim- took the business management, Tito, and tita wanted her to go abroad for further study, but he chose to stay here and study at Bangkok University while I was at Chulangkorn University.

Hi Kale, it's been a week since we last saw each other, I thought you'll bring a tutor with you? she asked when she didn't see Tutor with me, I smiled at her and handed her the gift I brought for tita and Tito.

He's busy, He can't make it; I says, She nodded and grabbed my arm to go inside, I blinked twice when I saw Dale was here too.

Dale is here? I asked her, She looked at Dale for a moment and nodded.

I'm not the one inviting him, Mom and dad did, It's okay with you, right? She asked, I nodded.

It's okay, is he with? I didn't finish what I was going to say when she spoke immediately.

He went alone; I just nodded and approached tita to greet her.

Happy anniversary, Tito, Tita this was my little gift for both of you; I says, "khim handed my gift to them."

Oh my, you're here, kale. It's been a while since we last saw you; I smiled to tita.

The school was quite busy, tita. Sorry for not visiting you; She shook her head and smiled at me.

That's very fine, kale. We know how busy when you entered university; I smiled and looked at Dale when he approached us.

Hello Tita, Tito, this was my gift; he said and stayed beside me, I looked at khim, and she was looking at me too.

Hello Dale, How's university? Tita asked him, and I became silent while they're talking.

Pretty fine tita Actually; He stopped and looked at me.

Kale and I was goes to same university; He says, "Tita looks at me, and I just nod my head."

It's good for both of you, I told Khim if she wanted to go to Chulangkorn since Kale was there, But, She already passed Bangkok University at that time; I smiled and held Khim's arm.

Tita, your daughter was a smart girl, it's not surprising if she got into Bangkok University; I answered, Khim flipped her hair, so I shook my head.

Hahaha, oh! anyway, I'll leave you for now, I'll just take care of the other guests; I just nodded, and so did Dale.

Why didn't you tell me that you guys are in they same university? Khim asked me when we arrived at our table. Dale was with us seating here.

I didn't know right away khim; I says, she looked at dale and Dale was looking at me for a moment and back his gaze to Khim.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now