𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 20 )

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I miss them, I miss my parents so bad, Its been quite a while since I both saw them.

I'm with Dale here at the restaurant since mom wants to eat Thai foods.

Its been more than three years since we have this kinda feast! I'm glad to be back home; Mom says while enjoying the food's.

You didn't eat Thai foods when your in US? She shook her head and look at dad badly.

I wanted so much but your dad wasn't leave my side, He always bring me anywhere so I don't have time to eat Thai foods; Mom says and pouted her lip's dad look at her badly too.

I didn't bring the foods, You can eat whatever you want and wherever you want, Don't blame me; He says, I chuckled because they always argue even in small things.

So when did you guy's met? Dad says while looking at Dale, I look at dale for a moment and smiled at him.

Since our highschool sir; He says politely, My parents heard his name but they never saw Dale before.

I remember, The guy that made my beloved son cry; I frowned because of what dad said.

Dad, stop it; I told him, He raised his eyebrows at me and I was still frowning.

Am I wrong? He asked.

Hon! It's been a while and you've seen how close they are now; Mom says with a smile on her face.

Do you have any business here in country mom? I change the topic because I don't want to make it awkward on Dale's part.

The investors invited us and you are really the main purpose that's why your dad and I are here, We haven't seen each other for almost two years and it seems like you have no plans to visit us yet; I smiled at what mom said.

I was planning to visit you guys after school, But you arrived ahead of my plan; I told them.

Is it your term break right? Me and Dale nodded.

Yes mom, I think it will be back after one month; She nodded at me.

Go with me Dale; Dad suddenly says, I look at dale and he look at me too.

What are you going to do dad? I asked dad nervously.

I want to have drink with him while you talk to your mom, I'm sure she misses you so much; He says.

You don't miss me? I asked him. He patted my head and smile at me.

I miss you too son, We can catch up some time for now talk to your mom; He says and Dale followed him.

He wouldn't eat dale alive right? Mom laugh because of what I says.

I think he just want to talk to dale, Don't worry we won't do anything to him; I nod and give mom a juice.

How are you son? Mom asked me.

I'm very fine mom, Its just that a lot of things has happened lately; I told her, she held my hand and looked at it so I looked at her.

I found out what tutor did to you, but I don't know if your dad knows anything are you okay son? I was surprised but recovered immediately.

I'm fine mom, Tutor and I are fine too; I told her, I know that I can't hide anything from her after all they always make sure that I'm safe.

When I found out that I was angry and couldn't believe it after all he loves you so much, I can see that in the photos of the two of you so hearing those words shocked me; I took a deep breath and put a small smile on my face.

Maybe we met to teach each other a lesson, I can't blame him if he looks for someone else, Mom, I know myself, I know that I didn't give everything to him from the beginning, so when I found out that he cheated on me I let him go, I let me do that. I let him do it even though it hurt so much, I let him do whatever he wants just to protect our relationship, I was scared that if I told him that I know about his cheating our relationship will be destroyed and I will left alone again, I thought that if I tolerated his cheating, our relationship would remain happy but I made a mistake because of what I did made our situation worse; I told her. After what I did, I realize that I made so many mistake, I should have told him and talked to him about what he did although everything is okay now it's just that I don't want to do it all over again.

Son, it's not your fault why he cheated, It's not your fault why you broke up, You loved him more than what he gave you, You didn't fail because you did everything to save your relationship so don't blame yourself for the broken relationship T
that you two of have before, You were not the one who cheated and you didn't let go even when you found out that he had someone else, do you understand me? I nodded and smiled at her.

Are you with Dale again son? I shook my head at what mom said, I looked at where dad and dale were sitting and dale was also looking at me.

It's hard to bring back what we have mom, There's a barrier between the two of us, I know that he loves me My heart says that he loves him too but A lot of things has happened that's why it's not that easy to bring everything back to the way it was before, I'm happy that he's here by my side, I'm happy to see him happy but I'm not ready to enter into a new relationship mom, After what happened I want to find myself, I want to love myself so that I can find who Kale Chawarin really is, What is his future plan and what he wants to do in life, After what happened I realized that what I need is not the love of others, I realize that I forgot myself because I thought that love would bring joy to my life; I said sadly as I looked back at mom.

Why is it so hard to have a story similar to yours and dad, I feel that love is not for me; I said and took a deep breath.

Our story is way different from yours son, Back then you and Dale were together but fate separated you but also brought you together again, Son, don't ever think that love isn't for you, Your dad and I fought the world before we won against them, He fought everything just to be with me, fate kept us apart but it also brought us to each other if you and Dale are really meant for each other no matter what happens it will take you and bring you to each other; She said with a smile, I wish I was as brave as dad, He disobeyed what my grandfather and grandmother said just to marry mom, Dad was an heir of the biggest company while mom was only middle class family but as mom said they fought the world and in the end they won, I looked at dale and smiled a little are we really meant for each other, dale?

What's your plan then son? Mom asked me, I look back at her and smiled.

I plan to leave the country mom; She was shocked to hear what I says.

Vacation? I shook my head.

Maybe it's time for me to study the family business, I don't want you and dad to disappointed on me, No matter what my course is, I'm still the heir of the Perdpiriyawong corporation, Besides that, This is the best thing for everyone, If I stayed here in the country tutor can't move on either and everything will just repeat itself so I want to leave the country to make a new life; I told her.

Son we're always proud of you, No matter what you're choice in the future me and your dad will always proud of you, You have a choice to do whatever you want and we're just here ready to support you; I smile and held mom's hands.

I know that mom and I'm so grateful for both of you, but I want to help you, You guys did you much for me and I want to help especially dad, He is getting older and I want him to have time for himself too, It's my choice mom, It's my choice and I'll never regret it; She caressed my face gently.

My son is not really a baby anymore, Have you told dale tbat you'll be gone for so long? I shook my head, I don't know if he knows.

I just said that I'm leaving the country but I didn't say how long, But it looks like he has an idea already mom; I said.

Tell him your plan, son, don't hurt him, Don't make him wait for nothing it's better if he has an idea of ​​your real plan; I nodded and smiled.

I will told him before I leave, Thank you mom, Thank you because you are my mom, Even if I am not your perfect son, I will do everything to make you and daddy proud of me; She held my face and caressed it.

You always make us proud son, You're the best son that everyone can ask for; I smiled and moved next to mom and leaned on her, I'm one of the lucky children who had an understanding mother and father that's why I want to repay everything they do for me.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now