𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 22 )

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I would like to stop the day at this time, This is one of the happiest moment that happened after all the bad things that happened to us recently, I was happy looking at my friends who now danced and sang happily. I don't know when I will see them again but I know it will be a long time before we can do this all together.

I'm leaving for California tonight, Dad told me if I want to handle a company it should be in California since uncle is going to retire soon especially he's getting older and they can't go there more often especially since they are also busy with other branch so I agree. I want to spend more time with Dale, but I don't even know how to tell him that I'm leaving tonight, Maybe I just leave a note.

Kale, don't you want to join us? Nat called me.

I'll join later, You guys are so fun to watch; I answered him, and he nodded and went back to what he was doing.

Have you told Dale that you're leaving tonight? I was shocked when Khim stood next to me, Out of all of them, she was the only one who knew that I was leaving tonight since mom told her.

I don't know how, What will be his reaction it happened so fast, Khim; I told her.

I don't know, You will only know the answer when you tell him, Kale tita told me about your plan and it's not just a vacation, Although I will come with you later; I looked at her while she looked at me with a big smile.

Are you coming? She nodded, and she rolled her eyes at me.

It's good that I'll go with you, Once Dale looks for you at least I'm not here, That man will only disturb me asking lot's off things so better to run away from him, Kale why are you leaving, Everything is fine now, Tutor is already fine too, Dale loves you and I can see that you love him too, I just don't understand why you have to leave everything behind; She said while looking into my eyes.

Maybe because I'm that kind of person? I also left when Dale and I broke up; I answered, I glared at her because this woman just hit my head so fucking hard.

Kale, I'm fucking serious; She says, I took a deep breath.

You know Khim, After what happened I learned a lot about myself, I thought the love of other people would bring joy to my heart but because of that thought I forgot what true joy is, I forgot to love myself, I lost myself Khim and because of what happened I couldn't find who Kale Chawarin really is, After what happened I realized that my world revolves around love so when tutor and I broke up it was like I was slapped with the truth, Because I was so eager for other people's love, I forgot to love myself and that's what I want to do now, I want to find who I really am, What my real purpose in life and what else I can do apart from loving others; I said and looked at her.

But Kale, it will be unfair to Dale, How many more years will he wait for you, if you leave, You've better not make his world stop waiting for you because I believe that if you guys really meant for each other, You two will meet no matter what circumstances is  but for now let yourselves explore more, There is still a long way ahead of us and time won't stop there, Kale; I took a deep breath and nod on what she said, Khim was right, I shouldn't stop his life waiting for me.

I have a plan on that Khim, I know what you want to tell me, You're right, I shouldn't let his world stop waiting for me. After all, We have our own lives; I said, She patted my back and smiled a little.

I still believed you were destined for each other, A lot of things has happened but fate still brought you together; I smiled and stood up from my seat. Maybe we are destined, but maybe not.

You two are cheating, We are getting drunk while you haven't even had a single drink; Net said when Khim and I got closer to them. I took the glass full of wine from him and immediately gulped it down.

You're too noisy Net; I says and stay beside Dale.

Are you drunk already? He shook his head and lend closer at me.

I have a high tolerance of alcohol; I nod my head, I can feel Khim's gaze on us.

He's already drunk, Why don't you go back to the room that I reserve for everyone; Khim says.

I'm not drunk; Dale says but he really look drunk on his state. I can see that Khim wanted me to spend time with Dale alone I nod my head and look for everyone.

Well go ahead guy's, Please take care of Khimy; I said and put Dale's hand on my shoulder, Khim stood up and helped me down since we were on the second floor.

Did you bring your car? I nodded to Khim and took the key from my pants.

Thank you, Drive without being drunk; She nodded and we put Dale in the front seat.

I'll see you later; I nodded and got into the driving seat.

Why did you get drunk so quickly? I thought you had a high tolerance for alcohol? I asked Dale while driving home to my condo.

I don't always drink anymore so I just get drunk fast; He said to me, It looks like he's still awake even though he's drunk.

Why did you drink so much, Look at you, you're so drunk; I said, He looked at me, and I could see the sadness in his eyes.

Do you really have to go and leave me Kale? I felt like I was burned because of his question, My breathing became heavy because I could feel his sad gaze on me, I bit the bottom of my lip and nodded slowly.

I had to leave Dale, I had to stay away for a while; I said to him, He shook his head, and the tears that fell from his eyes did not escape me.

Why? Am I not enough to make you stay, I can't handle being away from you for a long time, I just can't; He said sadly, My throat was dry because of what he said.

I'm sorry, Dale, I'm really sorry; that's the only words that form from my lip's, He nods slowly and bends a little to the headboard of the car.

I understand, Who am I to stop you; I looked at him and he wiped the tears that flowed down his cheeks, You don't know how much I want to stay for you but I also want to do this, dale.

We arrived home without talking to each other, I took a deep sighed and look at him, I think he fell asleep already. I smiled and got out of the car and carried him inside. I used my card to open the door and I brought him to my bed, I removed his shoes and fixed his shirts.

You don't know how much I wanted to stay for you, But I hope you understand why I did this, I need this Dale, I need this right now; I know that he didn't heard me, I smile and seat on the edge of the bed. I think watching him like this for the last time is already enough for me.

( Dale Pov )

I'm not asleep, and I'm not drunk, I can feel his gaze towards me. His phone rang, and he stood up to pick it up.

Hello? He sat back on the bed while I'm just listening to him.

Okay, I'm going now just waiting for me at the airport; He says, "Is he going to leave right now?"

I felt like he had been staring at me for a long time.

When you wake up, I won't be here anymore Dale, I'm sorry if I can't told you that I'm leaving tonight, I can't even say goodbye to you, I'm afraid that if I say goodbye, I might not be able to leave you anymore, Dale, thank you for always being there for me to me, Thank you for all the happy memories with you but I don't want your world to stop waiting for me so you are free to love others, You are free to do whatever you want even if you don't wait for me, I'm sorry and Thank you Dale; I can felt that he cried and so do I, My tear's escape on my eyes, I opened my eyes slowly and I saw that he place a letter on the table before he grab his belongings, When he's out of the door I sat down from the bed and my tear's flow's nonstop, Thank you and Goodbye Kale, Thank you for the opportunity to love you, Thank you for the love you gave me, Even though that we can't be together now, The day will come when we both meet again.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now