𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ( 13 )

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I woke up because of the  knocking outside my room. I looked at the time and it was 1:30 in the morning, I got up and opened the door but my eyes widened when I saw that it was Tutor, He was very drunk because of his appearance he.

Tutor? What are you doing here at this hours? I asked him.

I was even more surprised because he pulled me and kissed me, I immediately pushed him.

Kale, Let's stay away from here, Let's stay away from everyone please Kale be mine again; He told me. I wiped my lips because he smelled of alcohol.

You're just a drunk tutor. Go home. it's midnight already; I told him, but he just shook his head, I almost fell when he pushed me into my room.

Tutor, get out of my room, please; I calmly said, "He is drunk, and I don't want to be in this situation with him."

Why is it so easy for you to forget everything we had kale, He left you and I took you, Yes, I made a mistake but can't you give me a chance, Even just one chance, let's fix our relationship; He screamed and pushed me again, I held my back when I got hit the wall, It hurts but I'm more afraid of him now.

What do you want? Just go home, and we'll talk tomorrow, You're a drunk tutor; even though my back hurt, I tried to back away from him as he came closer to me.

I'm not drunk you don't want me to get drunk that's why I didn't get drunk; He cornered me and grabbed both of my hands, I forcefully removing his hand that was holding me but he's way too strong.

I love you so much, Kale. Until now, you are still the person who owned my heart, Can't we be together again? Please let's fix everything, "he said while looking into my eyes.

Tutor was already over, Whatever our relationship is, we're already over, please let me go; I beg him, The way he held my hands was too painful.

Is it because of him that you can't come back to me, Is it because of that dale that's why you don't like me to be with me again; He shouted, I shook my head because what he said was not true, He pulled me and kissed my neck again, I resisted his kiss but I was stunned when he slap me very hard.

You are mine alone, No one can claim you, but only me; He screamed angrily and pulled me upright and pushed me on my bed.

Tutor, please, don't do this, please; I'm begging him. I was too scared because of what he just did, He removed his shirt and fell on top of me, I immediately pushed him but he still held my hand tightly, He grabbed my jaw angrily and I tried to shake my head because of what he did.

You are only mine, you are only mine alone I will not allow that man to take you away from me; He said angrily and kissed my jaw, I couldn't stop crying because of what he did.

Please stop, Tutor, please; I kept begging, He looked like he didn't hear anything because he kept kissing my whole face.

I love you so much Kale, You are only mine; I shook my head and tried to get out of his grip but he only tightened his hand on me so I couldn't get away from him.

Please stop, Let me go tutor, Please; I couldn't help but sob, He violently took off the clothes on top of me while he continued kissing my lips, I lost my strength because of what he did, My left hand loosened so I took it as my chance to elbow him, I was successful but he held my left hand and I almost lost my breath when he punched my stomach, I held my stomach and I collapse on the floor because of the unbreathable pain.

Don't do anything to make me angry Kale; He pulled me again and pushed me to the bed, My tears just kept flowing because of the pain and fear I feel, The person in front of me now is no longer the person I once loved, I don't have the strength to push him anymore. He forcefully took off my clothes below, Only one thing comes to my mind now, He's going to rape me, and He's going to rape me.

P-please tutor let me go; I did my best to get out of his grip, Even though the pain was still unbreathable I did everything to resist his kiss but the more I resisted he kissed my lips violently, He kiss my forehead, nose, Lips down to my navel, He saw that I was crying so he wiped it and kissed my tears.

I won't hurt you, I'll be gentle; I shook my head, and my tears didn't stop because of what he said.

P-please stop, Please don't do this tutor; I'm having a hard time to say those words to him but he didn't hear anything and just lay on top of me, He took off his clothes and now He completely naked on top of me, I was Dale please help me.

I trembled in fear when he removed all my clothes.

I'll be gentle; He again and stuck his body to me. I tried to reach for my phone because it vibrated, I thought I could reach it, but it fell on the floor.

He started kissing every part of my body, I felt disgusted because of what he did to me today, I hate myself. I felt disgusting on my own self.

Dale, please help me; I prayed that Dale would come back here now. I need his help, My body trembled even more with fear when his body went down to my sensitive part.

My tears flowed and I cried louder when the door of my room opened, Tutor also looked there, I couldn't see who came because the place was dark but my sob only got louder when that person spoke, He came back .

I will kill you, You Beast; Dale shouted and pulled Tutor above me.

Oh my god, are you okay, Kale? I know that it was Khim's voice, I couldn't stop crying because I was still so scared, Dale immediately punched tutor on his face.

I will kill you, I will kill you bastard; Dale shouted angrily and continued to punch Tutor.

That's enough. You might kill him, Dale; Khim shouted and pulled Dale. two men entered.

Lock up that bastard; Khim shouted, I saw that someone came near me, so my whole body trembled even more,I hugged my body in fear.

Go away, Don't, Don't touch me please, Don't touch me; My voice was shaking in fear, I was so terrified, The place was so dark but I saw that person stopped.

Dale helped him; I heard khim's voice shouting, I could feel that her voice was trembling, too.

Kale, it's me, Dale. I'm here, Kale; I hugged my body in fear, and I'm trembling so hard. He sat beside me, and I couldn't stop my sobbing.

Dale, take care of Kale. I'll be right back; Khim says and leaves the room, The light's turn open, and I can finally see his face.

D-dale; I cried harder when I saw his face, Fear and anger could be seen on his face now, I immediately sat down and hugged him tightly.

I'm here, I'm sorry if I didn't get there right away I'm sorry; He said again and again while hugging me, I just kept sobbing while hugging him, He pulled the blanket and covered my body.

I will kill that man, I will kill him; He said harshly, and every word that came out of his mouth was filled with anger.

I'm scared, I-I'm scared dale; I says in between of my sobbing. I can't help but get scared, What if the tutor came back?

He can't do this to you ever again, I'm here now Kale, I'm here shhhhh don't cry I'm here; He says and hugged me tightly.

He put my head on his chest while I was still hugging him, My fear still hasn't disappeared because my whole body is still trembling in fear. He gently caressed my hair until I passed out.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now