Part 5

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Trinity Clark~ (Cameron ^)

After explaining everything to Daisey as she sat on her couch and just kept starring at me looking completely lost, she finally said something about this whole situation. "Wait, so what's going to happened to your apartment, and job, and college?" She asked.
I sighed a really long sigh, "I don't know. We're still going over details." I said. I sat next to her on the couch, it was a long awkward silence till she finally said it, "so how was it kissing Cameron?" She asked. "I don't remember, but if I did, I think I would say something along the lines of kissing a wet mop covered in shit." I answered. Daisey made a stink face followed by a silent "ew". That has been me these past 15 hours. With the whole Parker, and Cameron thing. I have yet to tell her about Parker, because I myself, am still dealing with it. I should of listened to Taylor, and the other guys. They were right about Parker.

"I'm gonna go pack my stuff. I'll be next door if you need anything." I sigh and left her apartment heading towards mine.

I entered my apartment and everything was in place, like I had left it when I first left. When everything was fine.
"I just wish I never left that stupid party. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. This is all his fault," I said to my self, slamming a fist onto my marble counter, "because of him I'm in this rut," I grunted and through a glass cup at the wall. It shattered into small jagged pieces, flying all over the ground.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring in my pocket, I check the caller ID and it was no one other than Cameron. I answered and waited for him to speak.
"Hey Small-" I cut him off.
"Shut up, I'm not in the mood." I growled.
"Snappy, aren't we Ms.Clark?" He laughed. This isn't funny at all. How is he taking this so lightly.
"What do you want?" I asked, trying to get him to his point of why he called.
"Ah, right. So tomorrow I'll go pick you up at like nine, so be ready with your stuff. Okay?" He said. "Mhmm," I answered. "Bye." He then hung up.

I just wish I could go back in time and make this all go away. I thought to myself.

I went off into my room and started packing half of my closet, and most of my things that I needed. I took a lot, but I also left a lot. I owned a lot of things.
I went over to my drawer and opened it a little. I paused because a picture of Parker and I sat on top of the drawer. I picked it up and sat on my bed. Just starring at the picture of us. It was me on his back, and he was giving me a piggy back ride. We both had smiles on our faces, we were happy. That's all over now.

I drop of a tear hit the glass that protected the picture. I then started to cry hard and held the picture to my chest. As if holding the picture where it hurt the most, would make it feel better, but it didn't.
How could he just throw us away? Did all the promises and "I love you's" mean nothing to him? Was I just a game. Right when we were about to become six months. I know it seems short but he made me happy, at least I hope I did the same for him. I doubt that now. By now I was panting and crying pretty heavy.
"Trinity?" I heard a voice call from behind me, "are you okay?" It was Daisey.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I wiped a tear from my cheek. "Is this about the whole Cameron thing?" She asked, sitting on the bed next to me. "No, it's something bigger than that.." I bit my lip, trying to prevent myself from crying even more. "Then what is it, tell me." Daisey said in a low voice. "P-Parker cheated on me at the party last night," I tried breathing again, but it was hard, "he did it with some bimbo. How could he, Daisey? My own boyfriend," I cried more. "No, no, don't cry baby. It's all going to be okay. He isn't worth your tears. He's not even worth your smile." Daisey comforted me, hugging and swaying me back and fourth. Which did kind of make me feel better.
I sighed, "I think I'm gonna be okay." I tried smiling. She smiled back.

I got up and went into the restroom to wipe off my face with a towel. I should just work on myself and make myself better, for somebody better in my future, but the process is going to burn.

I walked out of the restroom and Daisey was on the balcony. I walked over to her to see what she was doing. I noticed she had the picture frame with the picture of me and Parker inside of it. "What are you doing?" I asked. She had a huge smirk on her face, "the best way to get over someone is by deleting, breaking, and just trying to erase them from your mind, or phone," she handed me the picture, "I want you to throw this picture as far as you can." She said. "You're crazy, what if I hit someone, or a car, or an animal?" I asked, looking out from the balcony.
"Just do it. It'll be fine." She assured me.
"Alright," I sighed, "here goes nothing," I backed up and threw the picture frame hard, we stayed silent for a moment until we heard the shattering of the glass from the frame. We looked at each other and high-fived.

I think this might be a lot easier than I thought.

"See, not so bad. Right?" Daisey smiled.
"Yeah, it felt good." I answered.

"Good, now get some rest. I'll come see you in the morning first thing before you leave, okay?" She hugged me, and I hugged her back, but we stayed there for awhile. We finally pulled away and I walked her out.

I'm gonna be okay, I'm gonna be fine. I don't need him. Not one bit.

I got ready for bed, even though it was only nine, I was tired and emotionally trained. So sleep is the only cure to this. I set my alarm for eight thirty and quickly fell asleep, into a deep sleep.

Loving Your Enemy | Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now