Part 3

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Trinity Clark~ (Brandon ^)

I was woken up by the sun flashing on my face. I sat up using my elbows and I could hear Daisey snoring lightly. I pulled the covers off of my legs and got off of my bed. I opened my blinds enough to reveal the doors that led to my balcony. I was on the 3rd floor, and had such a nice view of the city. Today's the day. I'm actually going to show up at the party that the guys invited me to, but it's not going to be that bad, my lovely boyfriend Parker is coming with me. We always share some good memories, and hopefully we can create some tonight without the rudeness and obnoxiousness of Cameron.
Parker doesn't really like the guys as much. He says that they're full of bullshit and that I should be careful with them because they'll take advantage of me. I always just ignore that comment from Parker because I know these guys, they're like the brothers I never had.. Sort of, minus Cameron.

I heard a groan behind me, "Good morning," Daisey yawns with a huge bed head. "Morning, sleepy head." I lightly laughed. She leaned on the rail and looked over at LA with me. "So, what are your plans today?" I asked Daisey. She thought for a while, "I think I'm gonna ask to hangout with that guy Brandon. He seems lonely, right?" Daisey looked at me. "I mean, go for it. If that's what you wanna do?" I sighed, "he's interesting, I think." I patted my chin with my finger. "So, tonight's the night of that party, you excited?" Daisey asked, smiling at me. "I mean yeah, kinda sounds fun, especially since Parker's coming with me." I smiled, blushing at the thought of Parker.
"You gonna dress all sexy like for him?" Daisey winked at me. "Oh my gosh, no! I'll just throw something together. Maybe a dress, heels, I'm not sure yet." I said.
I wasn't sure what to wear, so what? But I wanna be sure to look good for Parker.

Later that day, when Daisey had gone back to her own apartment. I was at home like always, going through my closet. Trying to figure out what to wear. I know that the party wasn't fancy. These parties involve boys in khakis, and girls in short skirts, waiting for a flash show to happen. Parker didn't really like that in general. So imagine his girlfriend like that? No sir! I finally picked out this two-piece dress. It was a hot-pink, and white one. It was in stripes, but in the white stripes it had hot-pink flowers in it. It revealed my torso a bit. Just like two inches of my tan skin. It was no biggie though.
I laid the dress on my bed, and put the black wedges at the foot of my bed. I regularly don't go out to parties, but when I do I try my best to look better than everyone in the room. Not to sound conceited or whatever, but hey, if I'm gonna go out, might as well have everyone have their eyes on me, right?

My iPhone 6 started to ring on my nightstand, as I walked over to it I almost tripped on my wedges. Oops. I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Parker. My one and only.
"Hello?" I said, smiling to myself and biting my thumb nail. "Hey, beautiful." Packers voice rang through the phone, "Excited for later?" I could hear him lightly laugh. "I mean, yeah. Sounds fun. I got an outfit picked out," I spoke, "what are you going to be wearing?" I asked. "Eh, just some khakis and a t-shirt." He said. What did I say about the khakis earlier? Yup. "I'm sure you'll look adorable, like always babe." I said through the phone. "Thanks baby girl," he said, making me melt, "I'm sure you'll look beautiful." He said to me. I couldn't help but blush to myself. "But hey, I gotta go, alright baby? See you later at 7." Parker kissed me through the phone. I kissed the phone back, and we hung up.
That boy really knows how to make me happy, I just know he's the one for me. He would never hurt me, or do anything to put our relationship in danger.

I was feeling a bit hungry, so I decided to order a pizza. I have this huge plain wall, and project Netflix on it all the time. Daisey and I always have movie nights like that. I turned the projector on and connected my laptop to it and started to play '90210' which I've been hooked on lately. I watched a couple episodes while waiting for the pizza.
Once it came, I just ate a few slices, and watched a few more episodes of the show.
I finally noticed the time, and it was an hour and a half until the party. I put the left over pizza in my fridge and headed to my room. I got my towel off of my computer chair, and started to head into my restroom. I stripped down my clothes and stepped into the shower. I turned the faucet to the right temperature and did what any regular person would do in there. Which is think, play scenarios in their head that will never happen, and just stand there. I eventually washed my hair and washed my body with raspberry body wash. I finally finished and wrapped a towel around my body and head.

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