Part 6

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Trinity Clark~   (Nash ^)

I woke up earlier than I anticipated. I was hoping all of this was a dream, but of course it wasn't. The worst always happens to me and I'm always the one to deal with it. This isn't fair, it isn't fair to anybody, really. I looked over at my alarm clock and it read '6:30 am' I sighed. Might as well start my day off now.

I got up from my bed, and went over to take a shower. After my shower, I dried myself off and put on my white t-shirt, shorts, and high top vans. I put my hair up into a pony tale, and finally put my beige cardigan on. I went into my kitchen when I heard the sound of cracking glass, I looked under my shoes and there was glass from the night before. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to make my breakfast. I usually don't eat much, but I wanted to fill myself because I want my last meal in my home to be some what "delicious". It's going to be awhile until I'm back here.

I made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage, with a cup of orange juice. Which was absolutely good and savoring. I heard a knock on my door, and walked over to open it, it was Daisey. "Good morning," I said to her. She smiled and said 'good morning' back. I let her enter my apartment. "Want some breakfast?" I asked, She nodded her head "no thank you" she said in her small voice.

"I'm gonna be so lonely without you here, Trin," she frowned, "who am I gonna watch Netflix with at twelve in the morning with a large box of pizza?" She said. "How do you think I feel?" I sighed, "you have Brandon, he seems cool, and plus, I'll stop by every now and then." I smiled. "This isn't goodbye. I'll be back by the time school starts. It's all good." I said. It wasn't all that good, though. She doesn't know how it feels to have your heart stepped on, have someone bully you, then be forced to "pretend" to date them for publicity, and be forced to live with them. My whole world has been pulled from under me, and it's really hard to stand when all you can do is fall.

My phone vibrated, and I looked at the notification on the screen, it was Cameron, but I had him saved under "bitch boy" because that's what he is. I read his text;

bitch boy: "picking you up in 10 minutes😒"

I just left him on read, to sort of piss him off, because I know for sure that pisses me off. "He's gonna be here in a few minutes." I sighed. "Ugh, do you really have to go?" Daisey said, with a frown on her face. I went into my room and grabbed my duffle bag, and luggage and put them at the front door. "I'll be fine, I'll call you if anything." I hugged Daisey. She didn't say much. She just nodded and faked a smile. I grabbed my laptop bag and purse. "Need some help?" Daisey asked. I smiled, "yes, please". I put the duffle bag strap over my shoulder, with my purse in one hand, and laptop bag in the other. While Daisey pulled the luggage. My phone vibrated once again, and I checked the text.

bitch boy: "I'm here😷"

And again, I left him on read. "Alright, he's here. We should go downstairs." I said. We walked out the front door, and Then I locked it. We took the elevator down, and looked for Cameron's stupid car. Which wasn't so hard, because he was in the parking lot with the trunk open already, waiting.. He was leaning on the car with one arm up, looking at his phone. Daisey and I walked over to him, I put the bags into the back, and he looked up from his phone. "Let me help with that," he said to Daisey as he grabbed the luggage and lifted it up, putting it into the back of the car. He didn't look me in the face at all. He just kept looking down, or at something else. "Ready to go?" Cameron said. "Sure" I sighed. I looked over at Daisey and she fake smiled again.
"Bye, little dude. I'll call you later." I hugged her, and she hugged back. "Watch my place for me, please?" I said, as I handed her the keys to my apartment. She smiled, "anything for you, dude." And she waved her hand goodbye and slowly backed away. Cameron honked his horn, "we don't have all day, princess!" I rolled my eyes, and waved goodbye to Daisey. I opened the passenger door to Cameron's silver Range Rover and got in.
He started the car, and pulled out of his parking spot, and drove to the exit of the parking lot. I turned to look, and saw Daisey heading back to the elevator. "Alright, so my manager is at the apartment right now, and she has some things to go over." Cameron said, with his eyes on the road. "Mhmm" I said. I didn't want to say much, I just wanted to stay quiet for the next few months. I was not happy about this at all. The car ride was so awkward with this idiot. I'm not sure if it's because of the photos of him shoving his tongue down my throat, or the fact that he's basically my fake boyfriend now.

We finally got to his apartment, and we got off the car. He opened the trunk, and I grabbed my bags, I was about to grab my luggage but Cameron stopped me. "Let me help you.." He said, and grabbed the luggage. "Thanks," was the only full word I said to him this entire time. We walked into the house and we set my stuff down. The manager was sitting on the couch waiting, "hello darling," she said, "come you two, sit. We have some things to go over". Cameron and I sat on the same couch but we had a huge gap between us. Enough to fit two more people between. You could tell he and I were not having it today, at all.

"Just point me to the guess room, and I'll be fine." I whined. "Oh no no, darling. You and Cameron are going to be sharing his room." The manager said. "What!?" Cameron and I said, standing on our feet. "I'm not sharing my room with her!" Cameron also whined. "Look, this is all part of the publicity project. You have to do this, or both of you are done for." The manager spoke, "if Cameron takes a selfie, I want your stuff in the back, if Cameron makes a vine, I want you in the back, if Cameron uploads on snapchat, I want you to be in the picture trying to be all cute and lovey dovey, okay?" She said to me.

I clenched my jaw, I can't believe I have to put up with this. I'm doing all this just to save his career. What do I get out of this? Absolutely nothing. These past few days have been chewing me up, and spitting me out, chewing me up and spitting me back out. I'm just not sure if I can take this anymore.

"I'm sorry you two, but it's only for a little while. And who knows? Maybe you'll become the bestest of friends!" She said.
I just closed my eyes and tried to breathe before I killed this woman. I hate this so much. This isn't fair. And that's all I can really say. I'm not getting paid for this!
"By the way, you don't work at Roxy's anymore, and you might miss out on the first few weeks of college, okay? Okay." She smiled and walked into the kitchen, picking up her purse, and opening the front door, "I'll call you guys if anything comes up! Buh-bye!" And she walked out the front door.

Cameron ruining my life is about to start in 3.. 2..

"Alright, Small-Tits, let's get your shit up to my room. You do it yourself." Cameron said, and he ran up the stairs.

"Fuck my life." I said to myself, as I grabbed my stuff, "and fuck you too, Bitch Boy!"

"I heard that!" Cameron said. "You were meant to." I replied back.

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