Part 14

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Trinity Clark-

We got back to the apartment and Nash was on the couch. "Hey bud," Cameron said and jumped over the couch and sat right next to Nash. I set down the keys of the Rover and went over to the fridge and grabbed a vitamin water. "Trin, you might wanna check this out!" Nash called for me. "Why what's up?" I asked walking over to the couch sipping on my drink, I leaned over the couch to look at the laptop Nash had on his lap. He was on TMZ's website. He clicked on a video and it was Cameron blowing up on the jerk waiter we had earlier. You could hear everything Cameron said to him making Cameron sound like a jerk. The video ended and Nash scrolled down reading the article below, "a inside witness says that the waiter (Christopher) had been flirting with the girlfriend (Trinity) too many times, and the boyfriend (Cameron) kept ignoring it, until the waiter crossed the line and Cameron blew up. I mean who wouldn't be upset at that?" Nash finished reading. "Oh thank god someone was there to stand up for you." I said to Cameron. Nash kept on scrolling on and then stopped at the next picture. It was at the restaurant where I was sitting on his lap and then kissed him, the caption said "flirty and romantic!" Nash went on with the scrolling and the next few shots were at the mall, it was a picture of the underwear on his head and me reaching for it while we both laughed, It was captioned "silly and cute!" Then the next picture was when he handed me the bag from PacSun with the top and shorts I wanted. The pictures were of me looking in the bag looking surprised, then me getting up, hugging him and kissing him. Then the caption read "surprises and kisses!" Then Nash read the article, "these two have been openly dating for the past week and a half, but when Cameron's fans back lash at his new girl, Trinity doesn't take it easy, how do we know this? The boyfriend Cameron posted it on to vine saying "she had a rough week" leaving fans to back off from her for a little. But isn't it obvious that these two are happy and cute together? #Otp!" Nash finished reading.

"Holy crap, they believed it!" Cameron chanted, and high-fived me. "I know, we're great actors if you ask me." I flipped my hair. Making Cameron and Nash laugh.
Suddenly, Cameron's phone started to ring and it was his manager, so he put it on speaker, "Hey, Love! I just saw the shots and video, you guys looked believable and so cute together! Keep it up!" She cheered. "Thanks. Is there anything else you want us to do?" Cameron asked her. "No, that's it for today. I'll keep you posted, Bebe. Bye!" And then she hung up. "You guys really do look believable." Nash said closing his laptop. "Thanks, bro. I know." Cameron said all cocky. Making me laugh. "Okay then, Mr.HotShot." I rolled my eyes.

My phone suddenly vibrated and I checked it, it was a text from Daisey!

Daisey🌼: holy crap, you and
Cam look so believable I thought
I was dreaming!
You look so good btw, love the
Outfit, and you and Cam are
My #FakeOtp!

I messaged her back saying 'i know so crazy and thanks and oh my gosh stop it😂!" And pressed send.

"I'm going up stairs to change, these overalls are going up my ass." I said, and started walking up the stairs. I went into Cameron's room and into his closet, looking for something else to wear. I found a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans and a black shirt with "seriously, fuck you" on it with rolled up sleeves and put that on instead. I went back stairs and went to the couch with Nash and Cameron. I was on the far end and decided to lay down so I put my feet on Cameron's lap. We were all on our phones and we didn't talk to each other at all. I went through Twitter and saw the TMZ post going everywhere. I saw that the hashtag #CamAndTrin was going viral. I didn't bother checking the tweets about it, I didn't want to see something that I didn't want to see.
I opened snapchat and took a picture of my legs on Cameron's lap while he looked down on his phone intensely. "When bae lets you lay on him but he doesn't pay attention to u😔💔", then I uploaded it to my story. Suddenly, with Cameron's right arm he started to play with the holes of my jeans which sort of tickled. "That tickles, butt face." I said, while I scrolled through vine.
"Do you want me to hurt you then?" Cameron said and pinched my skin through one of the holes. "Ow, stop it." I kicked.
"Wow, you guys have really gotten close." Nash said, looking up form his phone and looking at us. "Ew no, Cameron smells like beef and doesn't know how to not touch other people at night!" I said. He pinched me again making me flinch my legs back. "Yeah, dude no, Trinity snores too loud, plus, she ain't got perky boobs." Cameron said. "I do not snore, and my boobs are fine, you dick." I lifted my legs up and let them fall on his lap to hurt his package. "Ow, fuck!" He groaned. Nash and I started to laugh. "Did I hurt the little one?" I laughed. He pushed my legs off.


Later on, it was night. Nash and Cameron went on a food run and left me home alone. I was putting away the shirt and shorts Cameron bought me. It's funny, the most money Parker ever spent on me was $50 dollars, and I felt like he regretted it. Cameron is my fake boyfriend and it's only been a week and he spent $110 on me. Along with the cost of the restaurant we ate at earlier.
The sliding door to Cameron's balcony was open, leading in a small draft blowing the white curtains and leaving the smell of rain inside. I sniffed the air and felt the sense of comfort. I love rain and the smell of it. "I never thought I'd miss the rain, lord knows how long it's been." I sighed to myself. I walked over to the sliding door and opened it wide and walked onto the balcony. I breathed in the smell of the rain, and looked over the city of LA. The clouds covered the dark sky, but the city lights aluminate the night sky, and you could see patches of the clouds open where stars are seen.

"There you are," I heard from behind me, I turned around to see Cameron standing in the threshold of the sliding door with a bag of food, "I brought you your favorite," he said lifting the bag up. I turned back to the view, "thanks." I said.
"So, Nash is turning in early tonight,  I was wondering if you just wanted to watch Netflix on my laptop and just eat on my bed?" He asked. I shrugged "sure, sounds fun." I let go of a breath. Cameron walked up next to and looked at the view with me. We didn't say anything. We just starred at the view.

I laid my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. "Hey, Trin?" Cameron spoke in a low voice. "Yeah?" I answered him. "Why do you call me Cameron and not Cam?" He asked. "Eh, I'm just used to it. I feel like calling you Cam is like a nickname and nicknames are for friends." I told him. "Are we not friends then?" He asked me, and looked down at me. "We've just been in this long feud for the past three years. It just feels natural." I looked at him. "Well stop, call me Cam. I think we're pretty close now, don't you think?" He said smiling at me. I smiled and nodded my head yes. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and I hugged his lower torso.

"C'mon, let's go eat." He said and we went inside to watch Netflix and eat.

I know it's weird, but I feel like Cameron and I are now really good friends. Which I'm happy about.. He makes me happy..

Authors Note:
Two updates in one day? Whoa!
I felt good and really happy so yeah :) ya'll get two in one day. Also vote❤️ comment?
Also next part is a little bit different. So be prepared!

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